@@ -7,6 +7,9 @@
#include "imgu.h"
+#include <limits>
+#include <math.h>
#include <linux/media-bus-format.h>
#include <libcamera/formats.h>
@@ -14,11 +17,306 @@
#include "libcamera/internal/log.h"
#include "libcamera/internal/media_device.h"
+#include "libcamera/internal/utils.h"
namespace libcamera {
+namespace {
+ * The procedure to calculate the ImgU pipe configuration has been ported
+ * from the pipe_config.py python script, available at:
+ * https://github.com/intel/intel-ipu3-pipecfg
+ * at revision: 61e83f2f7606 ("Add more information into README")
+ */
+static constexpr unsigned int FILTER_H = 4;
+static constexpr unsigned int IF_ALIGN_W = 2;
+static constexpr unsigned int IF_ALIGN_H = 4;
+static constexpr unsigned int BDS_ALIGN_W = 2;
+static constexpr unsigned int BDS_ALIGN_H = 4;
+static constexpr unsigned int IF_CROP_MAX_W = 40;
+static constexpr unsigned int IF_CROP_MAX_H = 540;
+static constexpr float BDS_SF_MAX = 2.5;
+static constexpr float BDS_SF_MIN = 1.0;
+static constexpr float BDS_SF_STEP = 0.03125;
+/* BSD scaling factors: min=1, max=2.5, step=1/32 */
+const std::vector<float> bdsScalingFactors = {
+ 1, 1.03125, 1.0625, 1.09375, 1.125, 1.15625, 1.1875, 1.21875, 1.25,
+ 1.28125, 1.3125, 1.34375, 1.375, 1.40625, 1.4375, 1.46875, 1.5, 1.53125,
+ 1.5625, 1.59375, 1.625, 1.65625, 1.6875, 1.71875, 1.75, 1.78125, 1.8125,
+ 1.84375, 1.875, 1.90625, 1.9375, 1.96875, 2, 2.03125, 2.0625, 2.09375,
+ 2.125, 2.15625, 2.1875, 2.21875, 2.25, 2.28125, 2.3125, 2.34375, 2.375,
+ 2.40625, 2.4375, 2.46875, 2.5
+/* GDC scaling factors: min=1, max=16, step=1/4 */
+const std::vector<float> gdcScalingFactors = {
+ 1, 1.25, 1.5, 1.75, 2, 2.25, 2.5, 2.75, 3, 3.25, 3.5, 3.75, 4, 4.25,
+ 4.5, 4.75, 5, 5.25, 5.5, 5.75, 6, 6.25, 6.5, 6.75, 7, 7.25, 7.5, 7.75,
+ 8, 8.25, 8.5, 8.75, 9, 9.25, 9.5, 9.75, 10, 10.25, 10.5, 10.75, 11,
+ 11.25, 11.5, 11.75, 12, 12.25, 12.5, 12.75, 13, 13.25, 13.5, 13.75, 14,
+ 14.25, 14.5, 14.75, 15, 15.25, 15.5, 15.75, 16,
+std::vector<ImgUDevice::PipeConfig> pipeConfigs;
+struct FOV {
+ float w;
+ float h;
+ bool isLarger(const FOV &other)
+ {
+ if (w > other.w)
+ return true;
+ if (w == other.w && h > other.h)
+ return true;
+ return false;
+ }
+/* Approximate a scaling factor sf to the closest one available in a range. */
+float findScaleFactor(float sf, const std::vector<float> &range,
+ bool roundDown = false)
+ if (sf <= range[0])
+ return range[0];
+ if (sf >= range[range.size() - 1])
+ return range[range.size() - 1];
+ float bestDiff = std::numeric_limits<float>::max();
+ unsigned int index = 0;
+ for (unsigned int i = 0; i < range.size(); ++i) {
+ float diff = std::abs(sf - range[i]);
+ if (diff < bestDiff) {
+ bestDiff = diff;
+ index = i;
+ }
+ }
+ if (roundDown && index > 0 && sf < range[index])
+ index--;
+ return range[index];
+bool isSameRatio(const Size &in, const Size &out)
+ float inRatio = static_cast<float>(in.width) / in.height;
+ float outRatio = static_cast<float>(out.width) / out.height;
+ if (std::abs(inRatio - outRatio) > 0.1)
+ return false;
+ return true;
+void calculateBDSHeight(ImgUDevice::Pipe *pipe, const Size &iif, const Size &gdc,
+ unsigned int bdsWidth, float bdsSF)
+ unsigned int minIFHeight = iif.height - IF_CROP_MAX_H;
+ unsigned int minBDSHeight = gdc.height + FILTER_H * 2;
+ unsigned int ifHeight;
+ float bdsHeight;
+ if (!isSameRatio(pipe->input, gdc)) {
+ float estIFHeight = (iif.width * gdc.height) /
+ static_cast<float>(gdc.width);
+ estIFHeight = utils::clamp<float>(estIFHeight, minIFHeight, iif.height);
+ bool found = false;
+ ifHeight = utils::alignUp(estIFHeight, IF_ALIGN_H);
+ while (ifHeight >= minIFHeight && ifHeight / bdsSF >= minBDSHeight) {
+ bdsHeight = ifHeight / bdsSF;
+ if (std::fmod(bdsHeight, 1.0) == 0) {
+ unsigned int bdsIntHeight = static_cast<unsigned int>(bdsHeight);
+ if (!(bdsIntHeight % BDS_ALIGN_H)) {
+ found = true;
+ break;
+ }
+ }
+ ifHeight -= IF_ALIGN_H;
+ }
+ ifHeight = utils::alignUp(estIFHeight, IF_ALIGN_H);
+ while (ifHeight <= iif.height && ifHeight / bdsSF >= minBDSHeight) {
+ bdsHeight = ifHeight / bdsSF;
+ if (std::fmod(bdsHeight, 1.0) == 0) {
+ unsigned int bdsIntHeight = static_cast<unsigned int>(bdsHeight);
+ if (!(bdsIntHeight % BDS_ALIGN_H)) {
+ found = true;
+ break;
+ }
+ }
+ ifHeight += IF_ALIGN_H;
+ }
+ if (found) {
+ unsigned int bdsIntHeight = static_cast<unsigned int>(bdsHeight);
+ pipeConfigs.push_back({ bdsSF, { iif.width, ifHeight },
+ { bdsWidth, bdsIntHeight }, gdc });
+ return;
+ }
+ } else {
+ ifHeight = utils::alignUp(iif.height, IF_ALIGN_H);
+ while (ifHeight > minIFHeight && ifHeight / bdsSF >= minBDSHeight) {
+ bdsHeight = ifHeight / bdsSF;
+ if (std::fmod(ifHeight, 1.0) == 0 && std::fmod(bdsHeight, 1.0) == 0) {
+ unsigned int bdsIntHeight = static_cast<unsigned int>(bdsHeight);
+ if (!(ifHeight % IF_ALIGN_H) &&
+ !(bdsIntHeight % BDS_ALIGN_H)) {
+ pipeConfigs.push_back({ bdsSF, { iif.width, ifHeight },
+ { bdsWidth, bdsIntHeight }, gdc });
+ }
+ }
+ ifHeight -= IF_ALIGN_H;
+ }
+ }
+void calculateBDS(ImgUDevice::Pipe *pipe, const Size &iif, const Size &gdc, float bdsSF)
+ unsigned int minBDSWidth = gdc.width + FILTER_H * 2;
+ float sf = bdsSF;
+ while (sf <= BDS_SF_MAX && sf >= BDS_SF_MIN) {
+ float bdsWidth = static_cast<float>(iif.width) / sf;
+ if (std::fmod(bdsWidth, 1.0) == 0) {
+ unsigned int bdsIntWidth = static_cast<unsigned int>(bdsWidth);
+ if (!(bdsIntWidth % BDS_ALIGN_W) && bdsWidth >= minBDSWidth)
+ calculateBDSHeight(pipe, iif, gdc, bdsIntWidth, sf);
+ }
+ sf += BDS_SF_STEP;
+ }
+ sf = bdsSF;
+ while (sf <= BDS_SF_MAX && sf >= BDS_SF_MIN) {
+ float bdsWidth = static_cast<float>(iif.width) / sf;
+ if (std::fmod(bdsWidth, 1.0) == 0) {
+ unsigned int bdsIntWidth = static_cast<unsigned int>(bdsWidth);
+ if (!(bdsIntWidth % BDS_ALIGN_W) && bdsWidth >= minBDSWidth)
+ calculateBDSHeight(pipe, iif, gdc, bdsIntWidth, sf);
+ }
+ sf -= BDS_SF_STEP;
+ }
+Size calculateGDC(ImgUDevice::Pipe *pipe)
+ const Size &in = pipe->input;
+ const Size &main = pipe->main;
+ const Size &vf = pipe->viewfinder;
+ Size gdc;
+ if (!vf.isNull()) {
+ gdc.width = main.width;
+ float ratio = (main.width * vf.height) / static_cast<float>(vf.width);
+ gdc.height = std::max(static_cast<float>(main.height), ratio);
+ return gdc;
+ }
+ if (!isSameRatio(in, main)) {
+ gdc = main;
+ return gdc;
+ }
+ float totalSF = static_cast<float>(in.width) / main.width;
+ float bdsSF = totalSF > 2 ? 2 : 1;
+ float yuvSF = totalSF / bdsSF;
+ float sf = findScaleFactor(yuvSF, gdcScalingFactors);
+ gdc.width = main.width * sf;
+ gdc.height = main.height * sf;
+ return gdc;
+FOV calcFOV(const Size &in, const ImgUDevice::PipeConfig &pipe)
+ FOV fov{};
+ float inW = static_cast<float>(in.width);
+ float inH = static_cast<float>(in.height);
+ float ifCropW = static_cast<float>(in.width - pipe.iif.width);
+ float ifCropH = static_cast<float>(in.height - pipe.iif.height);
+ float gdcCropW = static_cast<float>(pipe.bds.width - pipe.gdc.width) * pipe.bds_sf;
+ float gdcCropH = static_cast<float>(pipe.bds.height - pipe.gdc.height) * pipe.bds_sf;
+ fov.w = (inW - (ifCropW + gdcCropW)) / inW;
+ fov.h = (inH - (ifCropH + gdcCropH)) / inH;
+ return fov;
+} /* namespace */
+ * \struct PipeConfig
+ * \brief The ImgU pipe configuration parameters
+ *
+ * The ImgU image pipeline is composed of several hardware blocks that crop
+ * and scale the input image to obtain the desired output sizes. The
+ * scaling/cropping operations of those components is configured though the
+ * V4L2 selection API and the V4L2 subdev API applied to the ImgU media entity.
+ *
+ * The configurable components in the pipeline are:
+ * - IF: image feeder
+ * - BDS: bayer downscaler
+ * - GDC: geometric distorsion correction
+ *
+ * The IF crop rectangle is controlled by the V4L2_SEL_TGT_CROP selection target
+ * applied to the ImgU media entity sink pad number 0. The BDS scaler is
+ * controlled by the V4L2_SEL_TGT_COMPOSE target on the same pad, while the GDC
+ * output size is configured with the VIDIOC_SUBDEV_S_FMT IOCTL, again on pad
+ * number 0.
+ *
+ * The PipeConfig structure collects the sizes of each of those components
+ * plus the BDS scaling factor used to calculate the field of view
+ * of the final images.
+ */
+ * \struct Pipe
+ * \brief Describe the ImgU requested configuration
+ *
+ * The ImgU unit processes images through several components, which have
+ * to be properly configured inspecting the input image size and the desired
+ * output sizes. This structure collects the ImgU input configuration and the
+ * requested main output and viewfinder configurations.
+ *
+ * \var Pipe::input
+ * \brief The input image size
+ *
+ * \var Pipe::main
+ * \brief The requested main output size
+ *
+ * \var Pipe::viewfinder
+ * \brief The requested viewfinder output size
+ */
* \brief Initialize components of the ImgU instance
* \param[in] mediaDevice The ImgU instance media device
@@ -74,6 +372,63 @@ int ImgUDevice::init(MediaDevice *media, unsigned int index)
return 0;
+ * \brief Calculate the ImgU pipe configuration parameters
+ * \param[in] pipe The requested ImgU configuration
+ * \return An ImgUDevice::PipeConfig instance on success, an empty configuration
+ * otherwise
+ */
+ImgUDevice::PipeConfig ImgUDevice::calculatePipeConfig(Pipe *pipe)
+ pipeConfigs.clear();
+ LOG(IPU3, Debug) << "Calculating pipe configuration for: ";
+ LOG(IPU3, Debug) << "input: " << pipe->input.toString();
+ LOG(IPU3, Debug) << "main: " << pipe->main.toString();
+ LOG(IPU3, Debug) << "vf: " << pipe->viewfinder.toString();
+ const Size &in = pipe->input;
+ Size gdc = calculateGDC(pipe);
+ unsigned int ifWidth = utils::alignUp(in.width, IF_ALIGN_W);
+ unsigned int ifHeight = in.height;
+ unsigned int minIfWidth = in.width - IF_CROP_MAX_W;
+ float bdsSF = static_cast<float>(in.width) / gdc.width;
+ float sf = findScaleFactor(bdsSF, bdsScalingFactors, true);
+ while (ifWidth >= minIfWidth) {
+ Size iif{ ifWidth, ifHeight };
+ calculateBDS(pipe, iif, gdc, sf);
+ ifWidth -= IF_ALIGN_W;
+ }
+ if (pipeConfigs.size() == 0) {
+ LOG(IPU3, Error) << "Failed to calculate pipe configuration";
+ return {};
+ }
+ FOV bestFov = calcFOV(pipe->input, pipeConfigs[0]);
+ unsigned int bestIndex = 0;
+ unsigned int p = 0;
+ for (auto pipeConfig : pipeConfigs) {
+ FOV fov = calcFOV(pipe->input, pipeConfig);
+ if (fov.isLarger(bestFov)) {
+ bestFov = fov;
+ bestIndex = p;
+ }
+ ++p;
+ }
+ LOG(IPU3, Debug) << "Computed pipe configuration: ";
+ LOG(IPU3, Debug) << "IF: " << pipeConfigs[bestIndex].iif.toString();
+ LOG(IPU3, Debug) << "BDS: " << pipeConfigs[bestIndex].bds.toString();
+ LOG(IPU3, Debug) << "GDC: " << pipeConfigs[bestIndex].gdc.toString();
+ return pipeConfigs[bestIndex];
* \brief Configure the ImgU unit input
* \param[in] size The ImgU input frame size
@@ -23,8 +23,28 @@ struct StreamConfiguration;
class ImgUDevice
+ struct PipeConfig {
+ float bds_sf;
+ Size iif;
+ Size bds;
+ Size gdc;
+ bool isNull() const
+ {
+ return iif.isNull() || bds.isNull() || gdc.isNull();
+ }
+ };
+ struct Pipe {
+ Size input;
+ Size main;
+ Size viewfinder;
+ };
int init(MediaDevice *media, unsigned int index);
+ PipeConfig calculatePipeConfig(Pipe *pipe);
int configureInput(const Size &size, V4L2DeviceFormat *inputFormat);
int configureOutput(const StreamConfiguration &cfg,