[libcamera-devel,RFC,12/12] libcamera: buffer: Clean up after buffer API switch

Message ID 20191028022525.796995-13-niklas.soderlund@ragnatech.se
State Superseded
Headers show
  • libcamera: Rework buffer API
Related show

Commit Message

Niklas Söderlund Oct. 28, 2019, 2:25 a.m. UTC
Remove dead code after the switch to the new buffer API.

Signed-off-by: Niklas Söderlund <niklas.soderlund@ragnatech.se>
 include/libcamera/buffer.h |  24 ----
 include/libcamera/stream.h |  22 +---
 src/libcamera/buffer.cpp   |  61 ----------
 src/libcamera/stream.cpp   | 241 -------------------------------------
 4 files changed, 2 insertions(+), 346 deletions(-)


diff --git a/include/libcamera/buffer.h b/include/libcamera/buffer.h
index 3568c2e0cdf8d95b..c9887fc6a9aeeb9f 100644
--- a/include/libcamera/buffer.h
+++ b/include/libcamera/buffer.h
@@ -39,30 +39,6 @@  private:
 	void *mem_;
-class BufferMemory final
-	std::vector<Plane> &planes() { return planes_; }
-	std::vector<Plane> planes_;
-class BufferPool final
-	~BufferPool();
-	void createBuffers(unsigned int count);
-	void destroyBuffers();
-	unsigned int count() const { return buffers_.size(); }
-	std::vector<BufferMemory> &buffers() { return buffers_; }
-	std::vector<BufferMemory> buffers_;
 class Buffer final
diff --git a/include/libcamera/stream.h b/include/libcamera/stream.h
index b051341511a7ab7c..5ba1306176fcaeb0 100644
--- a/include/libcamera/stream.h
+++ b/include/libcamera/stream.h
@@ -48,7 +48,6 @@  struct StreamConfiguration {
 	Size size;
 	MemoryType memoryType;
-	unsigned int bufferCount;
 	Stream *stream() const { return stream_; }
 	void setStream(Stream *stream) { stream_ = stream; }
@@ -75,33 +74,16 @@  public:
 	virtual ~Stream(){};
-	std::unique_ptr<Buffer> createBuffer(unsigned int index);
-	std::unique_ptr<Buffer> createBuffer(const std::array<int, 3> &fds);
-	BufferPool &bufferPool() { return bufferPool_; }
-	std::vector<BufferMemory> &buffers() { return bufferPool_.buffers(); }
 	const StreamConfiguration &configuration() const { return configuration_; }
-	MemoryType memoryType() const { return memoryType_; }
 	friend class BufferAllocator;
 	friend class Camera;
-	virtual int allocateBuffers(std::vector<Buffer *> *buffers) { return -EINVAL; }
-	virtual int importBuffers(bool enable) { return -EINVAL; }
-	int mapBuffer(const Buffer *buffer);
-	void unmapBuffer(const Buffer *buffer);
-	void createBuffers(MemoryType memory, unsigned int count);
-	void destroyBuffers();
+	virtual int allocateBuffers(std::vector<Buffer *> *buffers) = 0;
+	virtual int importBuffers(bool enable) = 0;
-	BufferPool bufferPool_;
 	StreamConfiguration configuration_;
-	MemoryType memoryType_;
-	std::vector<std::pair<std::array<int, 3>, unsigned int>> bufferCache_;
 } /* namespace libcamera */
diff --git a/src/libcamera/buffer.cpp b/src/libcamera/buffer.cpp
index d00849520bc2b51c..0d14e1d19d7abce5 100644
--- a/src/libcamera/buffer.cpp
+++ b/src/libcamera/buffer.cpp
@@ -143,67 +143,6 @@  void *Plane::mem()
  * \return The length of the memory region
- * \class BufferMemory
- * \brief A memory buffer to store an image
- *
- * The BufferMemory class represents the memory buffers used to store full frame
- * images, which may contain multiple separate memory Plane objects if the
- * image format is multi-planar.
- */
- * \fn BufferMemory::planes()
- * \brief Retrieve the planes within the buffer
- * \return A reference to a vector holding all Planes within the buffer
- */
- * \class BufferPool
- * \brief A pool of buffers
- *
- * The BufferPool class groups together a collection of Buffers to store frames.
- * The buffers must be exported by a device before they can be imported into
- * another device for further use.
- */
-	destroyBuffers();
- * \brief Create buffers in the Pool
- * \param[in] count The number of buffers to create
- */
-void BufferPool::createBuffers(unsigned int count)
-	buffers_.resize(count);
- * \brief Release all buffers from pool
- *
- * If no buffers have been created or if buffers have already been released no
- * operation is performed.
- */
-void BufferPool::destroyBuffers()
-	buffers_.resize(0);
- * \fn BufferPool::count()
- * \brief Retrieve the number of buffers contained within the pool
- * \return The number of buffers contained in the pool
- */
- * \fn BufferPool::buffers()
- * \brief Retrieve all the buffers in the pool
- * \return A vector containing all the buffers in the pool.
- */
 Buffer::Buffer(std::vector<std::pair<int, unsigned int>> planes)
 	for (std::pair<int, unsigned int> plane : planes)
diff --git a/src/libcamera/stream.cpp b/src/libcamera/stream.cpp
index b8e7209c10477f16..66d124beada0af0b 100644
--- a/src/libcamera/stream.cpp
+++ b/src/libcamera/stream.cpp
@@ -423,246 +423,5 @@  Stream::Stream()
- * \brief Create a Buffer instance referencing the memory buffer \a index
- * \param[in] index The desired buffer index
- *
- * This method creates a Buffer instance that references a BufferMemory from
- * the stream's buffers pool by its \a index. The index shall be lower than the
- * number of buffers in the pool.
- *
- * This method is only valid for streams that use the InternalMemory type. It
- * will return a null pointer when called on streams using the ExternalMemory
- * type.
- *
- * \return A newly created Buffer on success or nullptr otherwise
- */
-std::unique_ptr<Buffer> Stream::createBuffer(unsigned int index)
-	if (memoryType_ != InternalMemory) {
-		LOG(Stream, Error) << "Invalid stream memory type";
-		return nullptr;
-	}
-	if (index >= bufferPool_.count()) {
-		LOG(Stream, Error) << "Invalid buffer index " << index;
-		return nullptr;
-	}
-	Buffer *buffer = new Buffer();
-	buffer->index_ = index;
-	buffer->stream_ = this;
-	return std::unique_ptr<Buffer>(buffer);
- * \brief Create a Buffer instance that represents a memory area identified by
- * dmabuf file descriptors
- * \param[in] fds The dmabuf file descriptors for each plane
- *
- * This method creates a Buffer instance that references buffer memory
- * allocated outside of libcamera through dmabuf file descriptors. The \a
- * dmabuf array shall contain a file descriptor for each plane in the buffer,
- * and unused entries shall be set to -1.
- *
- * The buffer is created without a valid index, as it does not yet map to any of
- * the stream's BufferMemory instances. An index will be assigned at the time
- * the buffer is queued to the camera in a request. Applications may thus
- * create any number of Buffer instances, providing that no more than the
- * number of buffers allocated for the stream are queued at any given time.
- *
- * This method is only valid for streams that use the ExternalMemory type. It
- * will return a null pointer when called on streams using the InternalMemory
- * type.
- *
- * \sa Stream::mapBuffer()
- *
- * \return A newly created Buffer on success or nullptr otherwise
- */
-std::unique_ptr<Buffer> Stream::createBuffer(const std::array<int, 3> &fds)
-	if (memoryType_ != ExternalMemory) {
-		LOG(Stream, Error) << "Invalid stream memory type";
-		return nullptr;
-	}
-	Buffer *buffer = new Buffer();
-	buffer->dmabuf_ = fds;
-	buffer->stream_ = this;
-	return std::unique_ptr<Buffer>(buffer);
- * \fn Stream::bufferPool()
- * \brief Retrieve the buffer pool for the stream
- *
- * The buffer pool handles the memory buffers used to store frames for the
- * stream. It is initially created empty and shall be populated with
- * buffers before being used.
- *
- * \return A reference to the buffer pool
- */
- * \fn Stream::buffers()
- * \brief Retrieve the memory buffers in the Stream's buffer pool
- * \return The list of stream's memory buffers
- */
- * \fn Stream::configuration()
- * \brief Retrieve the active configuration of the stream
- * \return The active configuration of the stream
- */
- * \fn Stream::memoryType()
- * \brief Retrieve the stream memory type
- * \return The memory type used by the stream
- */
- * \brief Map a Buffer to a buffer memory index
- * \param[in] buffer The buffer to map to a buffer memory index
- *
- * Streams configured to use externally allocated memory need to maintain a
- * best-effort association between the memory area the \a buffer represents
- * and the associated buffer memory in the Stream's pool.
- *
- * The buffer memory to use, once the \a buffer reaches the video device,
- * is selected using the index assigned to the \a buffer and to minimize
- * relocations in the V4L2 back-end, this operation provides a best-effort
- * caching mechanism that associates to the dmabuf file descriptors contained
- * in the \a buffer the index of the buffer memory that was lastly queued with
- * those file descriptors set.
- *
- * If the Stream uses internally allocated memory, the index of the memory
- * buffer to use will match the one request at Stream::createBuffer(unsigned int)
- * time, and no mapping is thus required.
- *
- * \return The buffer memory index for the buffer on success, or a negative
- * error code otherwise
- * \retval -ENOMEM No buffer memory was available to map the buffer
- */
-int Stream::mapBuffer(const Buffer *buffer)
-	ASSERT(memoryType_ == ExternalMemory);
-	if (bufferCache_.empty())
-		return -ENOMEM;
-	const std::array<int, 3> &dmabufs = buffer->dmabufs();
-	/*
-	 * Try to find a previously mapped buffer in the cache. If we miss, use
-	 * the oldest entry in the cache.
-	 */
-	auto map = std::find_if(bufferCache_.begin(), bufferCache_.end(),
-				[&](std::pair<std::array<int, 3>, unsigned int> &entry) {
-					return entry.first == dmabufs;
-				});
-	if (map == bufferCache_.end())
-		map = bufferCache_.begin();
-	/*
-	 * Update the dmabuf file descriptors of the entry. We can't assume that
-	 * identical file descriptor numbers refer to the same dmabuf object as
-	 * it may have been closed and its file descriptor reused. We thus need
-	 * to update the plane's internally cached mmap()ed memory.
-	 */
-	unsigned int index = map->second;
-	BufferMemory *mem = &bufferPool_.buffers()[index];
-	mem->planes().clear();
-	for (unsigned int i = 0; i < dmabufs.size(); ++i) {
-		if (dmabufs[i] == -1)
-			break;
-		mem->planes().emplace_back();
-		mem->planes().back().setDmabuf(dmabufs[i], 0);
-	}
-	/* Remove the buffer from the cache and return its index. */
-	bufferCache_.erase(map);
-	return index;
- * \brief Unmap a Buffer from its buffer memory
- * \param[in] buffer The buffer to unmap
- *
- * This method releases the buffer memory entry that was mapped by mapBuffer(),
- * making it available for new mappings.
- */
-void Stream::unmapBuffer(const Buffer *buffer)
-	ASSERT(memoryType_ == ExternalMemory);
-	bufferCache_.emplace_back(buffer->dmabufs(), buffer->index());
- * \brief Create buffers for the stream
- * \param[in] count The number of buffers to create
- * \param[in] memory The stream memory type
- *
- * Create \a count empty buffers in the Stream's buffer pool.
- */
-void Stream::createBuffers(MemoryType memory, unsigned int count)
-	destroyBuffers();
-	if (count == 0)
-		return;
-	memoryType_ = memory;
-	bufferPool_.createBuffers(count);
-	/* Streams with internal memory usage do not need buffer mapping. */
-	if (memoryType_ == InternalMemory)
-		return;
-	/*
-	 * Prepare for buffer mapping by adding all buffer memory entries to the
-	 * cache.
-	 */
-	bufferCache_.clear();
-	for (unsigned int i = 0; i < bufferPool_.count(); ++i)
-		bufferCache_.emplace_back(std::array<int, 3>{ -1, -1, -1 }, i);
- * \brief Destroy buffers in the stream
- *
- * If no buffers have been created or if buffers have already been destroyed no
- * operation is performed.
- */
-void Stream::destroyBuffers()
-	bufferPool_.destroyBuffers();
- * \var Stream::bufferPool_
- * \brief The pool of buffers associated with the stream
- *
- * The stream buffer pool is populated by the Camera class after a successful
- * stream configuration.
- */
- * \var Stream::configuration_
- * \brief The stream configuration
- *
- * The configuration for the stream is set by any successful call to
- * Camera::configure() that includes the stream, and remains valid until the
- * next call to Camera::configure() regardless of if it includes the stream.
- */
- * \var Stream::memoryType_
- * \brief The stream memory type
- */
 } /* namespace libcamera */