[v2,2/3] libcamera: Add ClockRecovery class to generate wallclock timestamps
diff mbox series

Message ID 20241218180310.7824-3-david.plowman@raspberrypi.com
State New
Headers show
  • Wall clocks and camera sync
Related show

Commit Message

David Plowman Dec. 18, 2024, 6:03 p.m. UTC
The ClockRecovery class takes pairs of timestamps from two different
clocks, and models the second ("output") clock from the first ("input")

We can use it, in particular, to get a good wallclock estimate for a
frame's SensorTimestamp.

Signed-off-by: David Plowman <david.plowman@raspberrypi.com>
 include/libcamera/internal/clock_recovery.h |  68 ++++++
 include/libcamera/internal/meson.build      |   1 +
 src/libcamera/clock_recovery.cpp            | 230 ++++++++++++++++++++
 src/libcamera/meson.build                   |   1 +
 4 files changed, 300 insertions(+)
 create mode 100644 include/libcamera/internal/clock_recovery.h
 create mode 100644 src/libcamera/clock_recovery.cpp

diff mbox series

diff --git a/include/libcamera/internal/clock_recovery.h b/include/libcamera/internal/clock_recovery.h
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..43e46b7d
--- /dev/null
+++ b/include/libcamera/internal/clock_recovery.h
@@ -0,0 +1,68 @@ 
+/* SPDX-License-Identifier: LGPL-2.1-or-later */
+ * Copyright (C) 2024, Raspberry Pi Ltd
+ *
+ * Camera recovery algorithm
+ */
+#pragma once
+#include <stdint.h>
+namespace libcamera {
+class ClockRecovery
+	ClockRecovery();
+	void configure(unsigned int numSamples = 100, unsigned int maxJitter = 2000,
+		       unsigned int minSamples = 10, unsigned int errorThreshold = 50000);
+	void reset();
+	void addSample();
+	void addSample(uint64_t input, uint64_t output);
+	uint64_t getOutput(uint64_t input);
+	/* Approximate number of samples over which the model state persists. */
+	unsigned int numSamples_;
+	/* Remove any output jitter larger than this immediately. */
+	unsigned int maxJitter_;
+	/* Number of samples required before we start to use model estimates. */
+	unsigned int minSamples_;
+	/* Threshold above which we assume the wallclock has been reset. */
+	unsigned int errorThreshold_;
+	/* How many samples seen (up to numSamples_). */
+	unsigned int count_;
+	/* This gets subtracted from all input values, just to make the numbers easier. */
+	uint64_t inputBase_;
+	/* As above, for the output. */
+	uint64_t outputBase_;
+	/* The previous input sample. */
+	uint64_t lastInput_;
+	/* The previous output sample. */
+	uint64_t lastOutput_;
+	/* Average x value seen so far. */
+	double xAve_;
+	/* Average y value seen so far */
+	double yAve_;
+	/* Average x^2 value seen so far. */
+	double x2Ave_;
+	/* Average x*y value seen so far. */
+	double xyAve_;
+	/*
+	 * The latest estimate of linear parameters to derive the output clock
+	 * from the input.
+	 */
+	double slope_;
+	double offset_;
+	/* Use this cumulative error to monitor for spontaneous clock updates. */
+	double error_;
+} /* namespace libcamera */
diff --git a/include/libcamera/internal/meson.build b/include/libcamera/internal/meson.build
index 7d6aa8b7..41500636 100644
--- a/include/libcamera/internal/meson.build
+++ b/include/libcamera/internal/meson.build
@@ -11,6 +11,7 @@  libcamera_internal_headers = files([
+    'clock_recovery.h',
diff --git a/src/libcamera/clock_recovery.cpp b/src/libcamera/clock_recovery.cpp
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..abacf444
--- /dev/null
+++ b/src/libcamera/clock_recovery.cpp
@@ -0,0 +1,230 @@ 
+/* SPDX-License-Identifier: LGPL-2.1-or-later */
+ * Copyright (C) 2024, Raspberry Pi Ltd
+ *
+ * Clock recovery algorithm
+ */
+#include "libcamera/internal/clock_recovery.h"
+#include <time.h>
+#include <libcamera/base/log.h>
+ * \file clock_recovery.h
+ * \brief Clock recovery - deriving one clock from another independent clock
+ */
+namespace libcamera {
+ * \class ClockRecovery
+ * \brief Recover an output clock from an input clock
+ *
+ * The ClockRecovery class derives an output clock from an input clock,
+ * modelling the output clock as being linearly related to the input clock.
+ * For example, we may use it to derive wall clock timestamps from timestamps
+ * measured by the internal system clock which counts local time since boot.
+ *
+ * When pairs of corresponding input and output timestamps are available,
+ * they should be submitted to the model with addSample(). The model will
+ * update, and output clock values for known input clock values can be
+ * obtained using getOutput().
+ *
+ * As a convenience, if the input clock is indeed the time since boot, and the
+ * output clock represents a real wallclock time, then addSample() can be
+ * called with no arguments, and a pair of timestamps will be captured at
+ * that moment.
+ *
+ * The configure() function accepts some configuration parameters to control
+ * the linear fitting process.
+ */
+ * \brief Construct a ClockRecovery
+ */
+	configure();
+	reset();
+ * \brief Set configuration parameters
+ * \param[in] numSamples The approximate duration for which the state of the model
+ * is persistent
+ * \param[in] maxJitter New output samples are clamped to no more than this
+ * amount of jitter, to prevent sudden swings from having a large effect
+ * \param[in] minSamples The fitted clock model is not used to generate outputs
+ * until this many samples have been received
+ * \param[in] errorThreshold If the accumulated differences between input and
+ * output clocks reaches this amount over a few frames, the model is reset
+ */
+void ClockRecovery::configure(unsigned int numSamples, unsigned int maxJitter,
+			      unsigned int minSamples, unsigned int errorThreshold)
+	LOG(ClockRec, Debug)
+		<< "configure " << numSamples << " " << maxJitter << " " << minSamples << " " << errorThreshold;
+	numSamples_ = numSamples;
+	maxJitter_ = maxJitter;
+	minSamples_ = minSamples;
+	errorThreshold_ = errorThreshold;
+ * \brief Reset the clock recovery model and start again from scratch
+ */
+void ClockRecovery::reset()
+	LOG(ClockRec, Debug) << "reset";
+	lastInput_ = 0;
+	lastOutput_ = 0;
+	xAve_ = 0;
+	yAve_ = 0;
+	x2Ave_ = 0;
+	xyAve_ = 0;
+	count_ = 0;
+	error_ = 0.0;
+	/*
+	 * Setting slope_ and offset_ to zero initially means that the clocks
+	 * advance at exactly the same rate.
+	 */
+	slope_ = 0.0;
+	offset_ = 0.0;
+ * \brief Add a sample point to the clock recovery model, for recovering a wall
+ * clock value from the internal system time since boot
+ *
+ * This is a convenience function to make it easy to derive a wall clock value
+ * (using the Linux CLOCK_REALTIME) from the time since the system started
+ * (measured by CLOCK_BOOTTIME).
+ */
+void ClockRecovery::addSample()
+	LOG(ClockRec, Debug) << "addSample";
+	struct timespec bootTime1;
+	struct timespec bootTime2;
+	struct timespec wallTime;
+	/* Get boot and wall clocks in microseconds. */
+	clock_gettime(CLOCK_BOOTTIME, &bootTime1);
+	clock_gettime(CLOCK_REALTIME, &wallTime);
+	clock_gettime(CLOCK_BOOTTIME, &bootTime2);
+	uint64_t boot1 = bootTime1.tv_sec * 1000000ULL + bootTime1.tv_nsec / 1000;
+	uint64_t boot2 = bootTime2.tv_sec * 1000000ULL + bootTime2.tv_nsec / 1000;
+	uint64_t boot = (boot1 + boot2) / 2;
+	uint64_t wall = wallTime.tv_sec * 1000000ULL + wallTime.tv_nsec / 1000;
+	addSample(boot, wall);
+ * \brief Add a sample point to the clock recovery model, specifying the exact
+ * input and output clock values
+ * \param[in] input The input clock value
+ * \param[in] output The value of the output clock at the same moment, as far
+ * as possible, that the input clock was sampled
+ *
+ * This function should be used for corresponding clocks other than the Linux
+ * BOOTTIME and REALTIME clocks.
+ */
+void ClockRecovery::addSample(uint64_t input, uint64_t output)
+	LOG(ClockRec, Debug) << "addSample " << input << " " << output;
+	if (count_ == 0) {
+		inputBase_ = input;
+		outputBase_ = output;
+	}
+	/*
+	 * We keep an eye on cumulative drift over the last several frames. If this exceeds a
+	 * threshold, then probably the system clock has been updated and we're going to have to
+	 * reset everything and start over.
+	 */
+	if (lastOutput_) {
+		int64_t inputDiff = getOutput(input) - getOutput(lastInput_);
+		int64_t outputDiff = output - lastOutput_;
+		error_ = error_ * 0.95 + (outputDiff - inputDiff);
+		if (std::abs(error_) > errorThreshold_) {
+			reset();
+			inputBase_ = input;
+			outputBase_ = output;
+		}
+	}
+	lastInput_ = input;
+	lastOutput_ = output;
+	/*
+	 * Never let the new output value be more than maxJitter_ away from what
+	 * we would have expected.  This is just to reduce the effect of sudden
+	 * large delays in the measured output.
+	 */
+	uint64_t expectedOutput = getOutput(input);
+	output = std::clamp(output, expectedOutput - maxJitter_, expectedOutput + maxJitter_);
+	/*
+	 * We use x, y, x^2 and x*y sums to calculate the best fit line. Here we
+	 * update them by pretending we have count_ samples at the previous fit,
+	 * and now one new one. Gradually the effect of the older values gets
+	 * lost. This is a very simple way of updating the fit (there are much
+	 * more complicated ones!), but it works well enough. Using averages
+	 * instead of sums makes the relative effect of old values and the new
+	 * sample clearer.
+	 */
+	double x = static_cast<int64_t>(input - inputBase_);
+	double y = static_cast<int64_t>(output - outputBase_) - x;
+	unsigned int count1 = count_ + 1;
+	xAve_ = (count_ * xAve_ + x) / count1;
+	yAve_ = (count_ * yAve_ + y) / count1;
+	x2Ave_ = (count_ * x2Ave_ + x * x) / count1;
+	xyAve_ = (count_ * xyAve_ + x * y) / count1;
+	/*
+	 * Don't update slope and offset until we've seen "enough" sample
+	 * points.  Note that the initial settings for slope_ and offset_
+	 * ensures that the wallclock advances at the same rate as the realtime
+	 * clock (but with their respective initial offsets).
+	 */
+	if (count_ > minSamples_) {
+		/* These are the standard equations for least squares linear regression. */
+		slope_ = (count1 * count1 * xyAve_ - count1 * xAve_ * count1 * yAve_) /
+			 (count1 * count1 * x2Ave_ - count1 * xAve_ * count1 * xAve_);
+		offset_ = yAve_ - slope_ * xAve_;
+	}
+	/*
+	 * Don't increase count_ above numSamples_, as this controls the long-term
+	 * amount of the residual fit.
+	 */
+	if (count1 < numSamples_)
+		count_++;
+ * \brief Calculate the output clock value according to the model from an input
+ * clock value
+ * \param[in] input The input clock value
+ *
+ * \return Output clock value
+ */
+uint64_t ClockRecovery::getOutput(uint64_t input)
+	double x = static_cast<int64_t>(input - inputBase_);
+	double y = slope_ * x + offset_;
+	uint64_t output = y + x + outputBase_;
+	LOG(ClockRec, Debug) << "getOutput " << input << " " << output;
+	return output;
+} /* namespace libcamera */
diff --git a/src/libcamera/meson.build b/src/libcamera/meson.build
index 57fde8a8..4eaa1c8e 100644
--- a/src/libcamera/meson.build
+++ b/src/libcamera/meson.build
@@ -21,6 +21,7 @@  libcamera_internal_sources = files([
+    'clock_recovery.cpp',