[6/7] Documentation: Expand introductory content on docs.rst
diff mbox series

Message ID 20240809145304.537551-7-dan.scally@ideasonboard.com
State Superseded
Headers show
  • Documentation improvements
Related show

Commit Message

Dan Scally Aug. 9, 2024, 2:53 p.m. UTC
docs.rst is the landing page for the documentation from the libcamera
website, but isn't particularly introductory. Move much of the content
from guides/introduction.rst to docs.rst and expand on it - this will serve as
the new introductory page. Reformat the other section headers in docs.rst so
they're a match. Remove guides/introduction.rst.

Signed-off-by: Daniel Scally <dan.scally@ideasonboard.com>
 Documentation/c55.svg                    | 175 +++++++++++++++++++++++
 Documentation/docs.rst                   | 128 ++++++++++++++++-
 Documentation/documentation-contents.rst |   1 -
 Documentation/guides/introduction.rst    |  78 ----------
 Documentation/index.rst                  |   1 -
 5 files changed, 296 insertions(+), 87 deletions(-)
 create mode 100644 Documentation/c55.svg
 delete mode 100644 Documentation/guides/introduction.rst

diff mbox series

diff --git a/Documentation/c55.svg b/Documentation/c55.svg
new file mode 100644
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diff --git a/Documentation/docs.rst b/Documentation/docs.rst
index d65b2b4f..c495fa61 100644
--- a/Documentation/docs.rst
+++ b/Documentation/docs.rst
@@ -14,12 +14,87 @@  Documentation
    API <api-html/index>
+What is libcamera exactly?
+libcamera is an open source complex camera support library for Linux. The
+library interfaces with Linux kernel uAPIs implemented by device drivers and
+provides an intuitive API to developers in order to simplify the complexity
+involved in capturing images from complex cameras on Linux systems.
+What's a "complex camera"?
+A modern "camera" tends to infact be several different pieces of hardware which
+must all be controlled together in order to capture images. For example the
+pipeline might consist of a camera sensor which actually records the data, a
+receiver which accepts those data transmitted from the camera sensor and an
+image signal processor which processes those data into a useful image in an
+accepted format. The Linux kernel handles these multimedia devices through the
+'Linux media' subsystem and provides a set of APIs (application programming
+interfaces) known collectively as V4L2 (`Video for Linux 2`_) and the
+`Media Controller`_ API which provide an interface to interact and control media
+.. _Video for Linux 2: https://www.linuxtv.org/downloads/v4l-dvb-apis-new/userspace-api/v4l/v4l2.html
+.. _Media Controller: https://www.linuxtv.org/downloads/v4l-dvb-apis-new/userspace-api/mediactl/media-controller.html
+Included in this subsystem are drivers for camera sensors, CSI2 (Camera
+Serial Interface) receivers, and ISPs (Image Signal Processors)
+The usage of these drivers to provide a functioning camera stack is a
+responsibility that lies in userspace which is commonly implemented separately
+by vendors without a common architecture or API for application developers. This
+adds a lot of complexity to the task, particularly when considering that the
+differences in hardware pipelines and their representation in the kernel's APIs
+often necessitates bespoke handling.
+What is libcamera for?
-The libcamera API is extensively documented using Doxygen. The :ref:`API
-nightly build <api>` contains the most up-to-date API documentation, built from
-the latest master branch.
+libcamera provides a complete camera stack for Linux based systems to abstract
+the configuration of hardware and image control algorithms required to obtain
+desirable results from the camera through the kernel's APIs, reducing those
+operations to a simple and consistent method for developers. In short instead of
+having to deal with this:
+.. figure:: c55.svg
+You can instead simply deal with this::
+  >>> import libcamera as lc
+  >>> camera_manager = lc.CameraManager.singleton()
+  [0:15:59.582029920] [504]  INFO Camera camera_manager.cpp:313 libcamera v0.3.0+182-01e57380
+  >>> for camera in camera_manager.cameras:
+  ...     print(f' - {camera.id}')
+  ...
+   - mali-c55 tpg
+   - imx415 1-001a
+And the library handles the rest for you. These documentary pages give more
+information on the internal workings of libcamera (and the kernel camera stack
+that lies behind it) as well as guidance on using libcamera in an application or
+extending the library with support for your hardware (through the pipeline
+handler and IPA module writer's guides).
+How should I use it?
+There are a few ways you might want to use libcamera, depending on your
+application. It's always possible to use the library directly of course, and you
+can find detailed information on how to do so in the
+:doc:`application writer's guide <guides/application-developer>`. It may be more
+appropriate to use one of the frameworks with libcamera support. For example an
+application powering an embedded media device incorporating capture, encoding
+and streaming of both video and audio might benefit from using `gstreamer`_ (for
+which libcamera provides a plugin). Similarly an application for user-facing
+devices like a laptop would likely benefit accessing cameras through the XDG
+camera portal and `pipewire`_, which brings the advantages of resource sharing
+(multiple applications accessing the stream at the same time) and access
+.. _gstreamer: https://gstreamer.freedesktop.org/
+.. _pipewire: https://pipewire.org/
 libcamera Architecture
@@ -177,7 +252,7 @@  Helpers and Support Classes
 V4L2 Compatibility Layer
 V4L2 compatibility is achieved through a shared library that traps all
 accesses to camera devices and routes them to libcamera to emulate high-level
@@ -190,7 +265,7 @@  designed for video conferencing.
 Android Camera HAL
 Camera support for Android is achieved through a generic Android
 camera HAL implementation on top of libcamera. The HAL will implement internally
@@ -200,3 +275,42 @@  support.
 The Android camera HAL implementation will initially target the
 LIMITED hardware level, with support for the FULL level then being gradually
+Platform Support
+The library currently supports the following hardware platforms specifically
+with dedicated pipeline handlers:
+   -  Arm Mali-C55 (mali-c55)
+   -  Intel IPU3 (ipu3)
+   -  Rockchip RK3399 (rkisp1)
+   -  RaspberryPi 3 and 4 (rpi/vc4)
+Furthermore, generic platform support is provided for the following:
+   -  USB video device class cameras (uvcvideo)
+   -  iMX7, Allwinner Sun6i (simple)
+   -  Virtual media controller driver for test use cases (vimc)
+The libcamera core, is covered by the `LGPL-2.1-or-later`_ license. Pipeline
+Handlers are a part of the libcamera code base and need to be contributed
+upstream by device vendors. IPA modules included in libcamera are covered by a
+free software license, however third-parties may develop IPA modules outside of
+libcamera and distribute them under a closed-source license, provided they do
+not include source code from the libcamera project.
+The libcamera project itself contains multiple libraries, applications and
+utilities. Licenses are expressed through SPDX tags in text-based files that
+support comments, and through the .reuse/dep5 file otherwise. A copy of all
+licenses are stored in the LICENSES directory, and a full summary of the
+licensing used throughout the project can be found in the COPYING.rst document.
+Applications which link dynamically against libcamera and use only the public
+API are an independent work of the authors and have no license restrictions
+imposed upon them from libcamera.
+.. _LGPL-2.1-or-later: https://spdx.org/licenses/LGPL-2.1-or-later.html
diff --git a/Documentation/documentation-contents.rst b/Documentation/documentation-contents.rst
index dedf390c..114c11ac 100644
--- a/Documentation/documentation-contents.rst
+++ b/Documentation/documentation-contents.rst
@@ -10,7 +10,6 @@ 
    * :doc:`/environment_variables`
    * :doc:`/feature_requirements`
    * :doc:`/guides/application-developer`
-   * :doc:`/guides/introduction`
    * :doc:`/guides/ipa`
    * :doc:`/guides/pipeline-handler`
    * :doc:`/guides/tracing`
diff --git a/Documentation/guides/introduction.rst b/Documentation/guides/introduction.rst
deleted file mode 100644
index e419eb9d..00000000
--- a/Documentation/guides/introduction.rst
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,78 +0,0 @@ 
-.. SPDX-License-Identifier: CC-BY-SA-4.0
-.. include:: ../documentation-contents.rst
-Developers guide to libcamera
-The Linux kernel handles multimedia devices through the 'Linux media' subsystem
-and provides a set of APIs (application programming interfaces) known
-collectively as V4L2 (`Video for Linux 2`_) and the `Media Controller`_ API
-which provide an interface to interact and control media devices.
-Included in this subsystem are drivers for camera sensors, CSI2 (Camera
-Serial Interface) receivers, and ISPs (Image Signal Processors)
-The usage of these drivers to provide a functioning camera stack is a
-responsibility that lies in userspace which is commonly implemented separately
-by vendors without a common architecture or API for application developers.
-libcamera provides a complete camera stack for Linux based systems to abstract
-functionality desired by camera application developers and process the
-configuration of hardware and image control algorithms required to obtain
-desirable results from the camera.
-.. _Video for Linux 2: https://www.linuxtv.org/downloads/v4l-dvb-apis-new/userspace-api/v4l/v4l2.html
-.. _Media Controller: https://www.linuxtv.org/downloads/v4l-dvb-apis-new/userspace-api/mediactl/media-controller.html
-In this developers guide the current `Platform Support`_ is detailed, as well as
-an overview of the `Licensing`_ requirements of the project.
-This introduction is followed by a walkthrough tutorial to newcomers wishing to
-support a new platform with the `Pipeline Handler Writers Guide`_ and for those
-looking to make use of the libcamera native API an `Application Writers Guide`_
-provides a tutorial of the key APIs exposed by libcamera.
-.. _Pipeline Handler Writers Guide: pipeline-handler.html
-.. _Application Writers Guide: application-developer.html
-.. TODO: Correctly link to the other articles of the guide
-Platform Support
-The library currently supports the following hardware platforms specifically
-with dedicated pipeline handlers:
-   -  Intel IPU3 (ipu3)
-   -  Rockchip RK3399 (rkisp1)
-   -  RaspberryPi 3 and 4 (rpi/vc4)
-Furthermore, generic platform support is provided for the following:
-   -  USB video device class cameras (uvcvideo)
-   -  iMX7, Allwinner Sun6i (simple)
-   -  Virtual media controller driver for test use cases (vimc)
-The libcamera core, is covered by the `LGPL-2.1-or-later`_ license. Pipeline
-Handlers are a part of the libcamera code base and need to be contributed
-upstream by device vendors. IPA modules included in libcamera are covered by a
-free software license, however third-parties may develop IPA modules outside of
-libcamera and distribute them under a closed-source license, provided they do
-not include source code from the libcamera project.
-The libcamera project itself contains multiple libraries, applications and
-utilities. Licenses are expressed through SPDX tags in text-based files that
-support comments, and through the .reuse/dep5 file otherwise. A copy of all
-licenses are stored in the LICENSES directory, and a full summary of the
-licensing used throughout the project can be found in the COPYING.rst document.
-Applications which link dynamically against libcamera and use only the public
-API are an independent work of the authors and have no license restrictions
-imposed upon them from libcamera.
-.. _LGPL-2.1-or-later: https://spdx.org/licenses/LGPL-2.1-or-later.html
diff --git a/Documentation/index.rst b/Documentation/index.rst
index 59416906..6d7d2ca3 100644
--- a/Documentation/index.rst
+++ b/Documentation/index.rst
@@ -17,7 +17,6 @@ 
    Application Writer's Guide <guides/application-developer>
    Camera Sensor Model <camera-sensor-model>
    Camera Stack <camera_stack>
-   Developer Guide <guides/introduction>
    Environment variables <environment_variables>
    Feature Requirements <feature_requirements>
    IPA Writer's guide <guides/ipa>