[libcamera-devel,RFC,v1,1/2] libcamera: media_device: Add enumerateMediaWalks() helper
diff mbox series

Message ID 20220113102529.3163441-2-naush@raspberrypi.com
State New
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  • MediaDevice enumeration helper
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Commit Message

Naushir Patuck Jan. 13, 2022, 10:25 a.m. UTC
Add a new helper function to the MediaDevice class which returns a vector of
all possible media device topologies starting at the sensor entity and walking
to an endpoint for the media device. Each of these topologies is called a
MediaWalk. For each entity in a MediaWalk, we store a MediaEntity pointer
together with the source and sink MediaLink pointers.

As an example, consider the media graph below:

|   CSI2   |
   |  Mux1 <-------+
   +--^----+       |
      |            |
+-----+---+    +---+---+
| Sensor1 |    |  Mux2 |<--+
+---------+    +-^-----+   |
                 |         |
         +-------+-+   +---+-----+
         | Sensor2 |   | Sensor3 |
         +---------+   +---------+

This would return three MediaDevice::MediaWalk structures looking like:

|   CSI2   |
|   Mux1   |
| Sensor1  |

|   CSI2   |
|   Mux1   |
|   Mux2   |
| Sensor2  |

|   CSI2   |
|   Mux1   |
|   Mux2   |
| Sensor3  |

Signed-off-by: Naushir Patuck <naush@raspberrypi.com>
 include/libcamera/internal/media_device.h |  12 ++
 src/libcamera/media_device.cpp            | 135 ++++++++++++++++++++++
 2 files changed, 147 insertions(+)


Kieran Bingham Feb. 1, 2022, 12:19 a.m. UTC | #1
Quoting Naushir Patuck (2022-01-13 10:25:28)
> Add a new helper function to the MediaDevice class which returns a vector of
> all possible media device topologies starting at the sensor entity and walking
> to an endpoint for the media device. Each of these topologies is called a
> MediaWalk. For each entity in a MediaWalk, we store a MediaEntity pointer
> together with the source and sink MediaLink pointers.
> As an example, consider the media graph below:
> +----------+
> |   CSI2   |
>  +-----^----+
>        |
>    +---+---+
>    |  Mux1 <-------+
>    +--^----+       |
>       |            |
> +-----+---+    +---+---+
> | Sensor1 |    |  Mux2 |<--+
> +---------+    +-^-----+   |
>                  |         |
>          +-------+-+   +---+-----+
>          | Sensor2 |   | Sensor3 |
>          +---------+   +---------+
> This would return three MediaDevice::MediaWalk structures looking like:
> 1)
> +----------+
> |   CSI2   |
> +-----^----+
>       |
> +-----+----+
> |   Mux1   |
> +-----^----+
>       |
> +-----+----+
> | Sensor1  |
> +----------+
> 2)
> +----------+
> |   CSI2   |
> +-----^----+
>       |
> +-----+----+
> |   Mux1   |
> +-----^----+
>       |
> +-----+----+
> |   Mux2   |
> +-----^----+
>       |
> +-----+----+
> | Sensor2  |
> +----------+
> 3)
> +----------+
> |   CSI2   |
> +-----^----+
>       |
> +-----+----+
> |   Mux1   |
> +-----^----+
>       |
> +-----+----+
> |   Mux2   |
> +-----^----+
>       |
> +-----+----+
> | Sensor3  |
> +----------+

I think this fits and would be easier / clearer to see.

 1)             2)             3)
 +----------+   +----------+   +----------+
 |   CSI2   |   |   CSI2   |   |   CSI2   |
 +-----^----+   +-----^----+   +-----^----+
       |              |              |
 +-----+----+   +-----+----+   +-----+----+
 |   Mux1   |   |   Mux1   |   |   Mux1   |
 +-----^----+   +-----^----+   +-----^----+
       |              |              |
 +-----+----+   +-----+----+   +-----+----+
 | Sensor1  |   |   Mux2   |   |   Mux2   |
 +----------+   +-----^----+   +-----^----+
                      |              |
                +-----+----+   +-----+----+
                | Sensor2  |   | Sensor3  |
                +----------+   +----------+

*formatted with https://asciiflow.com/#/

> Signed-off-by: Naushir Patuck <naush@raspberrypi.com>
> ---
>  include/libcamera/internal/media_device.h |  12 ++
>  src/libcamera/media_device.cpp            | 135 ++++++++++++++++++++++
>  2 files changed, 147 insertions(+)
> diff --git a/include/libcamera/internal/media_device.h b/include/libcamera/internal/media_device.h
> index 6e2a63f38229..63fcbe423eb9 100644
> --- a/include/libcamera/internal/media_device.h
> +++ b/include/libcamera/internal/media_device.h
> @@ -25,6 +25,13 @@ namespace libcamera {
>  class MediaDevice : protected Loggable
>  {
>  public:
> +       struct EntityParams {
> +               MediaEntity *entity;
> +               MediaLink *sinkLink;
> +               MediaLink *sourceLink;
> +       };
> +       using MediaWalk = std::vector<EntityParams>;
> +
>         MediaDevice(const std::string &deviceNode);
>         ~MediaDevice();
> @@ -47,6 +54,8 @@ public:
>         const std::vector<MediaEntity *> &entities() const { return entities_; }
>         MediaEntity *getEntityByName(const std::string &name) const;
> +       std::vector<MediaWalk> enumerateMediaWalks() const;
> +
>         MediaLink *link(const std::string &sourceName, unsigned int sourceIdx,
>                         const std::string &sinkName, unsigned int sinkIdx);
>         MediaLink *link(const MediaEntity *source, unsigned int sourceIdx,
> @@ -77,6 +86,9 @@ private:
>         friend int MediaLink::setEnabled(bool enable);
>         int setupLink(const MediaLink *link, unsigned int flags);
> +       void walkGraph(std::vector<MediaWalk> *mediaWalks, MediaWalk *walk,
> +                      MediaEntity *entity, MediaLink *sinkLink) const;
> +
>         std::string driver_;
>         std::string deviceNode_;
>         std::string model_;
> diff --git a/src/libcamera/media_device.cpp b/src/libcamera/media_device.cpp
> index 941f86c25f66..60b397e205a2 100644
> --- a/src/libcamera/media_device.cpp
> +++ b/src/libcamera/media_device.cpp
> @@ -340,6 +340,105 @@ MediaEntity *MediaDevice::getEntityByName(const std::string &name) const
>         return nullptr;
>  }
> +/**
> + * \fn MediaDevice::enumerateMediaWalks()
> + * \brief Retrieve the list of all possible MediaWalks available to this device
> + *
> + * Enumerate the media graph and return all possible permutations of unique
> + * sub-graphs where the first entity is a sensor device. These sub-graphs are
> + * stored as a \a MediaDevice::MediaWalk structure, where each element gives the
> + * device entity and associated sink pad link. The first entity in this structure
> + * is asensor device, with the sink pad link set to a nullptr.

/asensor/a sensor/

> + *
> + * As an example, consider the media graph below:
> + *
> + *  +----------+
> + *  |   CSI2   |
> + *  +-----^----+
> + *        |
> + *    +---+---+
> + *    |  Mux1 <-------+

I'd probably fix this with a | before the <- too

> + *    +--^----+       |
> + *       |            |
> + * +-----+---+    +---+---+
> + * | Sensor1 |    |  Mux2 |<--+
> + * +---------+    +-^-----+   |
> + *                  |         |
> + *          +-------+-+   +---+-----+
> + *          | Sensor2 |   | Sensor3 |
> + *          +---------+   +---------+
> + *
> + * This would return three \a MediaDevice::MediaWalk structures looking like:
> + *
> + * 1)
> + * +----------+
> + * |   CSI2   |
> + * +-----^----+
> + *       |
> + * +-----+----+
> + * |   Mux1   |
> + * +-----^----+
> + *       |
> + * +-----+----+
> + * | Sensor1  |
> + * +----------+
> + *
> + * 2)
> + * +----------+
> + * |   CSI2   |
> + * +-----^----+
> + *       |
> + * +-----+----+
> + * |   Mux1   |
> + * +-----^----+
> + *       |
> + * +-----+----+
> + * |   Mux2   |
> + * +-----^----+
> + *       |
> + * +-----+----+
> + * | Sensor2  |
> + * +----------+
> + *
> + * 3)
> + * +----------+
> + * |   CSI2   |
> + * +-----^----+
> + *       |
> + * +-----+----+
> + * |   Mux1   |
> + * +-----^----+
> + *       |
> + * +-----+----+
> + * |   Mux2   |
> + * +-----^----+
> + *       |
> + * +-----+----+
> + * | Sensor3  |
> + * +----------+

And as with the commit message, those would be nicer if they were in
a horizontal row I think.

That's easy to fix with asciiflow, so here's a copy/paste to fix either
now or while applying.

 1)             2)             3)
 +----------+   +----------+   +----------+
 |   CSI2   |   |   CSI2   |   |   CSI2   |
 +-----^----+   +-----^----+   +-----^----+
       |              |              |
 +-----+----+   +-----+----+   +-----+----+
 |   Mux1   |   |   Mux1   |   |   Mux1   |
 +-----^----+   +-----^----+   +-----^----+
       |              |              |
 +-----+----+   +-----+----+   +-----+----+
 | Sensor1  |   |   Mux2   |   |   Mux2   |
 +----------+   +-----^----+   +-----^----+
                      |              |
                +-----+----+   +-----+----+
                | Sensor2  |   | Sensor3  |
                +----------+   +----------+

> + *
> + * \return A vector of MediaWalk structures available
> + */
> +std::vector<MediaDevice::MediaWalk> MediaDevice::enumerateMediaWalks() const
> +{
> +       std::vector<MediaWalk> mediaWalks;
> +
> +       for (MediaEntity *entity : entities_) {
> +               /* Only perform enumeration starting with sensor entities */
> +               if (entity->function() != MEDIA_ENT_F_CAM_SENSOR)
> +                       continue;
> +               /*
> +                * Start with an empty MediaWalk structure, and walk the graph
> +                * with the sensor entity at the top, and a nullptr as the sink
> +                * pad link.
> +                */
> +               mediaWalks.push_back({});
> +               walkGraph(&mediaWalks, &mediaWalks.back(), entity, nullptr);
> +       }
> +
> +       return mediaWalks;
> +}
> +
>  /**
>   * \brief Retrieve the MediaLink connecting two pads, identified by entity
>   * names and pad indexes
> @@ -800,4 +899,40 @@ int MediaDevice::setupLink(const MediaLink *link, unsigned int flags)
>         return 0;
>  }
> +void MediaDevice::walkGraph(std::vector<MediaWalk> *mediaWalks, MediaWalk *walk,
> +                           MediaEntity *entity, MediaLink *sinkLink) const
> +{
> +       bool newWalk = false;
> +
> +       walk->push_back({ entity, sinkLink, nullptr });
> +
> +       for (const MediaPad *pad : entity->pads()) {
> +               /* We only walk down the graph, so ignore any sink pads */
> +               if (pad->flags() & MEDIA_PAD_FL_SINK)
> +                       continue;
> +
> +               for (MediaLink *nextLink : pad->links()) {
> +                       MediaDevice::MediaWalk *nextWalk = walk;
> +                       /*
> +                        * If this is a new branch in the graph, create a new
> +                        * MediaWalk structure in our list, and populate it with
> +                        * a copy of the curret MediaWalk. Any subsequent recursion


I think this looks useful, and I've already found myself having to write
similar code else where so I beleive this will be reusable, and perhaps

I fear that in the future things may get more complex and end up
requiring specific helpers for specific entities that we match while
walking a graph. For example we've been working on devices like GMSL or
FPDLink which handle serialising and deserialising mutliple devices
through a single connection, or some paths may have more complexity that
need sovling. Maybe that will be with more support from the pipeline

But ... I think those will be dealt with as we hit it.

With the typos fixed, and optionally making those graphs in a row ...

Reviewed-by: Kieran Bingham <kieran.bingham@ideasonboard.com>

> +                        * into this graph branch will cause it to diverge.
> +                        */
> +                       if (newWalk) {
> +                               mediaWalks->push_back(*walk);
> +                               nextWalk = &mediaWalks->back();
> +                       }
> +
> +                       /* Record the source pad link for the current entity */
> +                       walk->back().sourceLink = nextLink;
> +
> +                       /* Recurse into the next entity for this source pad link */
> +                       MediaEntity *nextEntity = nextLink->sink()->entity();
> +                       walkGraph(mediaWalks, nextWalk, nextEntity, nextLink);
> +                       newWalk = true;
> +               }
> +       }
> +}
> +
>  } /* namespace libcamera */
> -- 
> 2.25.1

diff mbox series

diff --git a/include/libcamera/internal/media_device.h b/include/libcamera/internal/media_device.h
index 6e2a63f38229..63fcbe423eb9 100644
--- a/include/libcamera/internal/media_device.h
+++ b/include/libcamera/internal/media_device.h
@@ -25,6 +25,13 @@  namespace libcamera {
 class MediaDevice : protected Loggable
+	struct EntityParams {
+		MediaEntity *entity;
+		MediaLink *sinkLink;
+		MediaLink *sourceLink;
+	};
+	using MediaWalk = std::vector<EntityParams>;
 	MediaDevice(const std::string &deviceNode);
@@ -47,6 +54,8 @@  public:
 	const std::vector<MediaEntity *> &entities() const { return entities_; }
 	MediaEntity *getEntityByName(const std::string &name) const;
+	std::vector<MediaWalk> enumerateMediaWalks() const;
 	MediaLink *link(const std::string &sourceName, unsigned int sourceIdx,
 			const std::string &sinkName, unsigned int sinkIdx);
 	MediaLink *link(const MediaEntity *source, unsigned int sourceIdx,
@@ -77,6 +86,9 @@  private:
 	friend int MediaLink::setEnabled(bool enable);
 	int setupLink(const MediaLink *link, unsigned int flags);
+	void walkGraph(std::vector<MediaWalk> *mediaWalks, MediaWalk *walk,
+		       MediaEntity *entity, MediaLink *sinkLink) const;
 	std::string driver_;
 	std::string deviceNode_;
 	std::string model_;
diff --git a/src/libcamera/media_device.cpp b/src/libcamera/media_device.cpp
index 941f86c25f66..60b397e205a2 100644
--- a/src/libcamera/media_device.cpp
+++ b/src/libcamera/media_device.cpp
@@ -340,6 +340,105 @@  MediaEntity *MediaDevice::getEntityByName(const std::string &name) const
 	return nullptr;
+ * \fn MediaDevice::enumerateMediaWalks()
+ * \brief Retrieve the list of all possible MediaWalks available to this device
+ *
+ * Enumerate the media graph and return all possible permutations of unique
+ * sub-graphs where the first entity is a sensor device. These sub-graphs are
+ * stored as a \a MediaDevice::MediaWalk structure, where each element gives the
+ * device entity and associated sink pad link. The first entity in this structure
+ * is asensor device, with the sink pad link set to a nullptr.
+ *
+ * As an example, consider the media graph below:
+ *
+ *  +----------+
+ *  |   CSI2   |
+ *  +-----^----+
+ *        |
+ *    +---+---+
+ *    |  Mux1 <-------+
+ *    +--^----+       |
+ *       |            |
+ * +-----+---+    +---+---+
+ * | Sensor1 |    |  Mux2 |<--+
+ * +---------+    +-^-----+   |
+ *                  |         |
+ *          +-------+-+   +---+-----+
+ *          | Sensor2 |   | Sensor3 |
+ *          +---------+   +---------+
+ *
+ * This would return three \a MediaDevice::MediaWalk structures looking like:
+ *
+ * 1)
+ * +----------+
+ * |   CSI2   |
+ * +-----^----+
+ *       |
+ * +-----+----+
+ * |   Mux1   |
+ * +-----^----+
+ *       |
+ * +-----+----+
+ * | Sensor1  |
+ * +----------+
+ *
+ * 2)
+ * +----------+
+ * |   CSI2   |
+ * +-----^----+
+ *       |
+ * +-----+----+
+ * |   Mux1   |
+ * +-----^----+
+ *       |
+ * +-----+----+
+ * |   Mux2   |
+ * +-----^----+
+ *       |
+ * +-----+----+
+ * | Sensor2  |
+ * +----------+
+ *
+ * 3)
+ * +----------+
+ * |   CSI2   |
+ * +-----^----+
+ *       |
+ * +-----+----+
+ * |   Mux1   |
+ * +-----^----+
+ *       |
+ * +-----+----+
+ * |   Mux2   |
+ * +-----^----+
+ *       |
+ * +-----+----+
+ * | Sensor3  |
+ * +----------+
+ *
+ * \return A vector of MediaWalk structures available
+ */
+std::vector<MediaDevice::MediaWalk> MediaDevice::enumerateMediaWalks() const
+	std::vector<MediaWalk> mediaWalks;
+	for (MediaEntity *entity : entities_) {
+		/* Only perform enumeration starting with sensor entities */
+		if (entity->function() != MEDIA_ENT_F_CAM_SENSOR)
+			continue;
+		/*
+		 * Start with an empty MediaWalk structure, and walk the graph
+		 * with the sensor entity at the top, and a nullptr as the sink
+		 * pad link.
+		 */
+		mediaWalks.push_back({});
+		walkGraph(&mediaWalks, &mediaWalks.back(), entity, nullptr);
+	}
+	return mediaWalks;
  * \brief Retrieve the MediaLink connecting two pads, identified by entity
  * names and pad indexes
@@ -800,4 +899,40 @@  int MediaDevice::setupLink(const MediaLink *link, unsigned int flags)
 	return 0;
+void MediaDevice::walkGraph(std::vector<MediaWalk> *mediaWalks, MediaWalk *walk,
+			    MediaEntity *entity, MediaLink *sinkLink) const
+	bool newWalk = false;
+	walk->push_back({ entity, sinkLink, nullptr });
+	for (const MediaPad *pad : entity->pads()) {
+		/* We only walk down the graph, so ignore any sink pads */
+		if (pad->flags() & MEDIA_PAD_FL_SINK)
+			continue;
+		for (MediaLink *nextLink : pad->links()) {
+			MediaDevice::MediaWalk *nextWalk = walk;
+			/*
+			 * If this is a new branch in the graph, create a new
+			 * MediaWalk structure in our list, and populate it with
+			 * a copy of the curret MediaWalk. Any subsequent recursion
+			 * into this graph branch will cause it to diverge.
+			 */
+			if (newWalk) {
+				mediaWalks->push_back(*walk);
+				nextWalk = &mediaWalks->back();
+			}
+			/* Record the source pad link for the current entity */
+			walk->back().sourceLink = nextLink;
+			/* Recurse into the next entity for this source pad link */
+			MediaEntity *nextEntity = nextLink->sink()->entity();
+			walkGraph(mediaWalks, nextWalk, nextEntity, nextLink);
+			newWalk = true;
+		}
+	}
 } /* namespace libcamera */