[libcamera-devel,v4,06/19] ipa: ipu3: awb: Reword accumulator documentation
diff mbox series

Message ID 20211026095534.90348-7-jeanmichel.hautbois@ideasonboard.com
State Superseded
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  • Document IPU3 IPA
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Commit Message

Jean-Michel Hautbois Oct. 26, 2021, 9:55 a.m. UTC
Now that we moved the diagram into the AWB class documentation, reword the
accumulator documentation to make it clear it is not meant to be used
only in AWB.

Signed-off-by: Jean-Michel Hautbois <jeanmichel.hautbois@ideasonboard.com>
Reviewed-by: Laurent Pinchart <laurent.pinchart@ideasonboard.com>
 src/ipa/ipu3/algorithms/awb.cpp | 8 ++++----
 1 file changed, 4 insertions(+), 4 deletions(-)


Kieran Bingham Oct. 26, 2021, 10:37 a.m. UTC | #1
Quoting Jean-Michel Hautbois (2021-10-26 10:55:21)
> Now that we moved the diagram into the AWB class documentation, reword the
> accumulator documentation to make it clear it is not meant to be used
> only in AWB.
> Signed-off-by: Jean-Michel Hautbois <jeanmichel.hautbois@ideasonboard.com>
> Reviewed-by: Laurent Pinchart <laurent.pinchart@ideasonboard.com>

Reviewed-by: Kieran Bingham <kieran.bingham@ideasonboard.com>

> ---
>  src/ipa/ipu3/algorithms/awb.cpp | 8 ++++----
>  1 file changed, 4 insertions(+), 4 deletions(-)
> diff --git a/src/ipa/ipu3/algorithms/awb.cpp b/src/ipa/ipu3/algorithms/awb.cpp
> index 8d22aceb..41fd5fc4 100644
> --- a/src/ipa/ipu3/algorithms/awb.cpp
> +++ b/src/ipa/ipu3/algorithms/awb.cpp
> @@ -46,12 +46,12 @@ static constexpr uint32_t kMinCellsPerZoneRatio = 255 * 90 / 100;
>   * \struct Accumulator
>   * \brief RGB statistics for a given zone
>   *
> - * The Accumulator structure stores the sum of the average of each cell in a
> - * zone of the image, as well as the number of cells which were unsaturated and
> - * therefore included in the average.
> + * Accumulate red, green and blue values for each non-saturated item over a
> + * zone. Items can for instance be pixels, but also the average of groups of
> + * pixels, depending on who uses the accumulator.
>   * \todo move this description and structure into a common header
>   *
> - * Cells which are saturated beyond the threshold defined in
> + * Zones which are saturated beyond the threshold defined in
>   * ipu3_uapi_awb_config_s are not included in the average.
>   *
>   * \var Accumulator::counted
> -- 
> 2.32.0

diff mbox series

diff --git a/src/ipa/ipu3/algorithms/awb.cpp b/src/ipa/ipu3/algorithms/awb.cpp
index 8d22aceb..41fd5fc4 100644
--- a/src/ipa/ipu3/algorithms/awb.cpp
+++ b/src/ipa/ipu3/algorithms/awb.cpp
@@ -46,12 +46,12 @@  static constexpr uint32_t kMinCellsPerZoneRatio = 255 * 90 / 100;
  * \struct Accumulator
  * \brief RGB statistics for a given zone
- * The Accumulator structure stores the sum of the average of each cell in a
- * zone of the image, as well as the number of cells which were unsaturated and
- * therefore included in the average.
+ * Accumulate red, green and blue values for each non-saturated item over a
+ * zone. Items can for instance be pixels, but also the average of groups of
+ * pixels, depending on who uses the accumulator.
  * \todo move this description and structure into a common header
- * Cells which are saturated beyond the threshold defined in
+ * Zones which are saturated beyond the threshold defined in
  * ipu3_uapi_awb_config_s are not included in the average.
  * \var Accumulator::counted