@@ -138,61 +138,64 @@ void Agc::lockExposureGain(uint32_t &exposure, double &analogueGain)
if ((frameCount_ < kInitialFrameMinAECount) || (frameCount_ - lastFrame_ < kFrameSkipCount))
+ lastFrame_ = frameCount_;
/* Are we correctly exposed ? */
if (std::abs(iqMean_ - kEvGainTarget * knumHistogramBins) <= 1) {
- LOG(IPU3Agc, Debug) << "!!! Good exposure with iqMean = " << iqMean_;
- } else {
- double evGain = kEvGainTarget * knumHistogramBins / iqMean_;
+ LOG(IPU3Agc, Debug) << "We are well exposed (iqMean = "
+ << iqMean_ << ")";
+ return;
+ }
- /* extracted from Rpi::Agc::computeTargetExposure */
- utils::Duration currentShutter = exposure * lineDuration_;
- currentExposureNoDg_ = currentShutter * analogueGain;
- LOG(IPU3Agc, Debug) << "Actual total exposure " << currentExposureNoDg_
- << " Shutter speed " << currentShutter
- << " Gain " << analogueGain
- << " Needed ev gain " << evGain;
+ double evGain = kEvGainTarget * knumHistogramBins / iqMean_;
- currentExposure_ = prevExposureValue_ * evGain;
- utils::Duration minShutterSpeed = minExposureLines_ * lineDuration_;
- utils::Duration maxShutterSpeed = maxExposureLines_ * lineDuration_;
+ /* extracted from Rpi::Agc::computeTargetExposure */
+ utils::Duration currentShutter = exposure * lineDuration_;
+ currentExposureNoDg_ = currentShutter * analogueGain;
+ LOG(IPU3Agc, Debug) << "Actual total exposure " << currentExposureNoDg_
+ << " Shutter speed " << currentShutter
+ << " Gain " << analogueGain
+ << " Needed ev gain " << evGain;
- utils::Duration maxTotalExposure = maxShutterSpeed * kMaxGain;
- currentExposure_ = std::min(currentExposure_, maxTotalExposure);
- LOG(IPU3Agc, Debug) << "Target total exposure " << currentExposure_
- << ", maximum is " << maxTotalExposure;
+ currentExposure_ = prevExposureValue_ * evGain;
+ utils::Duration minShutterSpeed = minExposureLines_ * lineDuration_;
+ utils::Duration maxShutterSpeed = maxExposureLines_ * lineDuration_;
- /* \todo: estimate if we need to desaturate */
- filterExposure();
+ utils::Duration maxTotalExposure = maxShutterSpeed * kMaxGain;
+ currentExposure_ = std::min(currentExposure_, maxTotalExposure);
+ LOG(IPU3Agc, Debug) << "Target total exposure " << currentExposure_
+ << ", maximum is " << maxTotalExposure;
- utils::Duration exposureValue = filteredExposure_;
- utils::Duration shutterTime = minShutterSpeed;
+ /* \todo: estimate if we need to desaturate */
+ filterExposure();
- /*
- * Push the shutter time up to the maximum first, and only then
- * increase the gain.
- */
- shutterTime = std::clamp<utils::Duration>(exposureValue / kMinGain,
- minShutterSpeed, maxShutterSpeed);
- double stepGain = std::clamp(exposureValue / shutterTime,
- kMinGain, kMaxGain);
- LOG(IPU3Agc, Debug) << "Divided up shutter and gain are "
- << shutterTime << " and "
- << stepGain;
+ utils::Duration exposureValue = filteredExposure_;
+ utils::Duration shutterTime = minShutterSpeed;
- exposure = shutterTime / lineDuration_;
- analogueGain = stepGain;
+ /*
+ * Push the shutter time up to the maximum first, and only then
+ * increase the gain.
+ */
+ shutterTime = std::clamp<utils::Duration>(exposureValue / kMinGain,
+ minShutterSpeed, maxShutterSpeed);
+ double stepGain = std::clamp(exposureValue / shutterTime,
+ kMinGain, kMaxGain);
+ LOG(IPU3Agc, Debug) << "Divided up shutter and gain are "
+ << shutterTime << " and "
+ << stepGain;
+ exposure = shutterTime / lineDuration_;
+ analogueGain = stepGain;
- /*
- * Update the exposure value for the next process call.
- *
- * \todo Obtain the values of the exposure time and analog gain
- * that were actually used by the sensor, either from embedded
- * data when available, or from the delayed controls
- * infrastructure in case a slow down caused a mismatch.
- */
- prevExposureValue_ = shutterTime * analogueGain;
- }
- lastFrame_ = frameCount_;
+ /*
+ * Update the exposure value for the next process call.
+ *
+ * \todo Obtain the values of the exposure time and analog gain
+ * that were actually used by the sensor, either from embedded
+ * data when available, or from the delayed controls
+ * infrastructure in case a slow down caused a mismatch.
+ */
+ prevExposureValue_ = shutterTime * analogueGain;
void Agc::process(IPAContext &context, const ipu3_uapi_stats_3a *stats)