@@ -317,6 +317,7 @@ void Awb::awbGreyWorld()
/* Color temperature is not relevant in Grey world but still useful to estimate it :-) */
asyncResults_.temperatureK = estimateCCT(sumRed.R, sumRed.G, sumBlue.B);
asyncResults_.redGain = redGain;
+ /* Hardcode the green gain to 1.0. */
asyncResults_.greenGain = 1.0;
asyncResults_.blueGain = blueGain;
@@ -380,15 +381,11 @@ void Awb::prepare(IPAContext &context, ipu3_uapi_params *params)
* params->acc_param.bnr.opt_center.x_reset;
params->acc_param.bnr.opt_center_sqr.y_sqr_reset = params->acc_param.bnr.opt_center.y_reset
* params->acc_param.bnr.opt_center.y_reset;
- /*
- * Green gains should not be touched and considered 1.
- * Default is 16, so do not change it at all.
- * 4096 is the value for a gain of 1.0
- */
- params->acc_param.bnr.wb_gains.gr = 16 * context.frameContext.awb.gains.green;
- params->acc_param.bnr.wb_gains.r = 4096 * context.frameContext.awb.gains.red;
- params->acc_param.bnr.wb_gains.b = 4096 * context.frameContext.awb.gains.blue;
- params->acc_param.bnr.wb_gains.gb = 16 * context.frameContext.awb.gains.green;
+ /* Convert to u3.13 fixed point values */
+ params->acc_param.bnr.wb_gains.gr = 8192 * context.frameContext.awb.gains.green;
+ params->acc_param.bnr.wb_gains.r = 8192 * context.frameContext.awb.gains.red;
+ params->acc_param.bnr.wb_gains.b = 8192 * context.frameContext.awb.gains.blue;
+ params->acc_param.bnr.wb_gains.gb = 8192 * context.frameContext.awb.gains.green;
LOG(IPU3Awb, Debug) << "Color temperature estimated: " << asyncResults_.temperatureK;