[libcamera-devel,09/10] libcamera: src: ipa: raspberrypi: agc: Improve gain update calculation for partly saturated images
diff mbox series

Message ID 20201116164918.2055-10-david.plowman@raspberrypi.com
State Superseded
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  • Raspberry Pi AGC
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Commit Message

David Plowman Nov. 16, 2020, 4:49 p.m. UTC
When parts of an image saturate then the image brightness no longer
increases linearly with increased exposure/gain. Having calculated a
linear gain value it's better then to try it, allowing for saturating
regions, and if necessary increase the gain some more. We repeat this
several times.

Signed-off-by: David Plowman <david.plowman@raspberrypi.com>
 src/ipa/raspberrypi/controller/rpi/agc.cpp | 34 +++++++++++++++-------
 1 file changed, 24 insertions(+), 10 deletions(-)


Naushir Patuck Nov. 17, 2020, 11:12 a.m. UTC | #1
Hi David,

On Mon, 16 Nov 2020 at 16:49, David Plowman <david.plowman@raspberrypi.com>

> When parts of an image saturate then the image brightness no longer
> increases linearly with increased exposure/gain. Having calculated a
> linear gain value it's better then to try it, allowing for saturating
> regions, and if necessary increase the gain some more. We repeat this
> several times.
> Signed-off-by: David Plowman <david.plowman@raspberrypi.com>

Reviewed-by: Naushir Patuck <naush@raspberrypi.com>

> ---
>  src/ipa/raspberrypi/controller/rpi/agc.cpp | 34 +++++++++++++++-------
>  1 file changed, 24 insertions(+), 10 deletions(-)
> diff --git a/src/ipa/raspberrypi/controller/rpi/agc.cpp
> b/src/ipa/raspberrypi/controller/rpi/agc.cpp
> index 1037f968..93b46a28 100644
> --- a/src/ipa/raspberrypi/controller/rpi/agc.cpp
> +++ b/src/ipa/raspberrypi/controller/rpi/agc.cpp
> @@ -422,17 +422,21 @@ void Agc::fetchAwbStatus(Metadata *image_metadata)
>  }
>  static double compute_initial_Y(bcm2835_isp_stats *stats, AwbStatus const
> &awb,
> -                               double weights[])
> +                               double weights[], double gain)
>  {
>         bcm2835_isp_stats_region *regions = stats->agc_stats;
>         // Note how the calculation below means that equal weights give you
>         // "average" metering (i.e. all pixels equally important).
>         double R_sum = 0, G_sum = 0, B_sum = 0, pixel_sum = 0;
>         for (int i = 0; i < AGC_STATS_SIZE; i++) {
> -               R_sum += regions[i].r_sum * weights[i];
> -               G_sum += regions[i].g_sum * weights[i];
> -               B_sum += regions[i].b_sum * weights[i];
> -               pixel_sum += regions[i].counted * weights[i];
> +               double counted = regions[i].counted;
> +               double r_sum = std::min(regions[i].r_sum * gain, ((1 <<
> PIPELINE_BITS) - 1) * counted);
> +               double g_sum = std::min(regions[i].g_sum * gain, ((1 <<
> PIPELINE_BITS) - 1) * counted);
> +               double b_sum = std::min(regions[i].b_sum * gain, ((1 <<
> PIPELINE_BITS) - 1) * counted);
> +               R_sum += r_sum * weights[i];
> +               G_sum += g_sum * weights[i];
> +               B_sum += b_sum * weights[i];
> +               pixel_sum += counted * weights[i];
>         }
>         if (pixel_sum == 0.0) {
>                 LOG(RPiAgc, Warning) << "compute_initial_Y: pixel_sum is
> zero";
> @@ -476,11 +480,21 @@ void Agc::computeGain(bcm2835_isp_stats *statistics,
> Metadata *image_metadata,
>         target_Y =
> config_.Y_target.Eval(config_.Y_target.Domain().Clip(lux.lux));
>         target_Y = std::min(EV_GAIN_Y_TARGET_LIMIT, target_Y * ev_gain);
> -       double initial_Y = compute_initial_Y(statistics, awb_,
> -                                            metering_mode_->weights);
> -       gain = std::min(10.0, target_Y / (initial_Y + .001));
> -       LOG(RPiAgc, Debug) << "Initially Y " << initial_Y << " target " <<
> target_Y
> -                          << " gives gain " << gain;
> +
> +       // Do this calculation a few times as brightness increase can be
> +       // non-linear when there are saturated regions.
> +       gain = 1.0;
> +       for (int i = 0; i < 8; i++) {
> +               double initial_Y = compute_initial_Y(statistics, awb_,
> +
> metering_mode_->weights, gain);
> +               double extra_gain = std::min(10.0, target_Y / (initial_Y +
> .001));
> +               gain *= extra_gain;
> +               LOG(RPiAgc, Debug) << "Initial Y " << initial_Y << "
> target " << target_Y
> +                                  << " gives gain " << gain;
> +               if (extra_gain < 1.01) // close enough
> +                       break;
> +       }
> +
>         for (auto &c : *constraint_mode_) {
>                 double new_target_Y;
>                 double new_gain =
> --
> 2.20.1
> _______________________________________________
> libcamera-devel mailing list
> libcamera-devel@lists.libcamera.org
> https://lists.libcamera.org/listinfo/libcamera-devel

diff mbox series

diff --git a/src/ipa/raspberrypi/controller/rpi/agc.cpp b/src/ipa/raspberrypi/controller/rpi/agc.cpp
index 1037f968..93b46a28 100644
--- a/src/ipa/raspberrypi/controller/rpi/agc.cpp
+++ b/src/ipa/raspberrypi/controller/rpi/agc.cpp
@@ -422,17 +422,21 @@  void Agc::fetchAwbStatus(Metadata *image_metadata)
 static double compute_initial_Y(bcm2835_isp_stats *stats, AwbStatus const &awb,
-				double weights[])
+				double weights[], double gain)
 	bcm2835_isp_stats_region *regions = stats->agc_stats;
 	// Note how the calculation below means that equal weights give you
 	// "average" metering (i.e. all pixels equally important).
 	double R_sum = 0, G_sum = 0, B_sum = 0, pixel_sum = 0;
 	for (int i = 0; i < AGC_STATS_SIZE; i++) {
-		R_sum += regions[i].r_sum * weights[i];
-		G_sum += regions[i].g_sum * weights[i];
-		B_sum += regions[i].b_sum * weights[i];
-		pixel_sum += regions[i].counted * weights[i];
+		double counted = regions[i].counted;
+		double r_sum = std::min(regions[i].r_sum * gain, ((1 << PIPELINE_BITS) - 1) * counted);
+		double g_sum = std::min(regions[i].g_sum * gain, ((1 << PIPELINE_BITS) - 1) * counted);
+		double b_sum = std::min(regions[i].b_sum * gain, ((1 << PIPELINE_BITS) - 1) * counted);
+		R_sum += r_sum * weights[i];
+		G_sum += g_sum * weights[i];
+		B_sum += b_sum * weights[i];
+		pixel_sum += counted * weights[i];
 	if (pixel_sum == 0.0) {
 		LOG(RPiAgc, Warning) << "compute_initial_Y: pixel_sum is zero";
@@ -476,11 +480,21 @@  void Agc::computeGain(bcm2835_isp_stats *statistics, Metadata *image_metadata,
 	target_Y =
 	target_Y = std::min(EV_GAIN_Y_TARGET_LIMIT, target_Y * ev_gain);
-	double initial_Y = compute_initial_Y(statistics, awb_,
-					     metering_mode_->weights);
-	gain = std::min(10.0, target_Y / (initial_Y + .001));
-	LOG(RPiAgc, Debug) << "Initially Y " << initial_Y << " target " << target_Y
-			   << " gives gain " << gain;
+	// Do this calculation a few times as brightness increase can be
+	// non-linear when there are saturated regions.
+	gain = 1.0;
+	for (int i = 0; i < 8; i++) {
+		double initial_Y = compute_initial_Y(statistics, awb_,
+						     metering_mode_->weights, gain);
+		double extra_gain = std::min(10.0, target_Y / (initial_Y + .001));
+		gain *= extra_gain;
+		LOG(RPiAgc, Debug) << "Initial Y " << initial_Y << " target " << target_Y
+				   << " gives gain " << gain;
+		if (extra_gain < 1.01) // close enough
+			break;
+	}
 	for (auto &c : *constraint_mode_) {
 		double new_target_Y;
 		double new_gain =