[libcamera-devel,v2,00/11] Fix README.rst
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Message ID 20200924071922.231063-1-ricardo@ribalda.com
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  • Fix README.rst
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Ricardo Ribalda Sept. 24, 2020, 7:19 a.m. UTC
I have started to hack around libcamera inside a docker installation,
and while doing that I discovered that some of the documentation is
slightly outdated.

As this is my first contribution I have splitted the changes maybe too
much, please squash them if needed.




- Convert Documentation into features
- Boost->dependency for Rpi
- Python3-yaml: its own paragraph

Ricardo Ribalda (11):
  README: Unify dependency names
  README: Move the required dependencies to the top
  README: Add libboost to list of dependencies
  README: Move pkg-config to Meson section
  README: Add missing package for Qt5 tools
  README: Add missing libtiff-dev package for qcam
  README: Add missing dependency for documentation
  Documentation: Search for dot binary
  Documentation: Move all dependencies into features
  meson: Bump meson version to 0.51
  libcamera: Add a check for the yaml module

 Documentation/meson.build |  7 ++++---
 README.rst                | 28 ++++++++++++++++++++--------
 meson.build               |  6 ++----
 meson_options.txt         |  2 +-
 src/libcamera/meson.build |  1 +
 5 files changed, 28 insertions(+), 16 deletions(-)


Laurent Pinchart Sept. 24, 2020, 2:10 p.m. UTC | #1
Hi Ricardo,

Thank you for the patches.

Overall this looks good to me. If you agree with the small comments I
made in response to 01/13 and 03/13, there's no need to resubmit, I can
update them when applying (although you may want to submit a v2.1 of
01/13 only, as the commit message needs to be updated too, but I can
handle that as well).

On Thu, Sep 24, 2020 at 09:19:11AM +0200, Ricardo Ribalda wrote:
> I have started to hack around libcamera inside a docker installation,
> and while doing that I discovered that some of the documentation is
> slightly outdated.
> As this is my first contribution I have splitted the changes maybe too
> much, please squash them if needed.
> Cheers!
> Changelog:
> v2:
> - Convert Documentation into features
> - Boost->dependency for Rpi
> - Python3-yaml: its own paragraph
> Ricardo Ribalda (11):
>   README: Unify dependency names
>   README: Move the required dependencies to the top
>   README: Add libboost to list of dependencies
>   README: Move pkg-config to Meson section
>   README: Add missing package for Qt5 tools
>   README: Add missing libtiff-dev package for qcam
>   README: Add missing dependency for documentation
>   Documentation: Search for dot binary
>   Documentation: Move all dependencies into features
>   meson: Bump meson version to 0.51
>   libcamera: Add a check for the yaml module
>  Documentation/meson.build |  7 ++++---
>  README.rst                | 28 ++++++++++++++++++++--------
>  meson.build               |  6 ++----
>  meson_options.txt         |  2 +-
>  src/libcamera/meson.build |  1 +
>  5 files changed, 28 insertions(+), 16 deletions(-)