[libcamera-devel,v2,0/6] Move formats from v4l2-compat into libcamera
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Message ID 20200630145808.2976956-1-paul.elder@ideasonboard.com
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  • Move formats from v4l2-compat into libcamera
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Paul Elder June 30, 2020, 2:58 p.m. UTC
This patchset moves format information out of V4L2CameraProxy in the
compatibility layer and into libcamera core. The first three patches add
the info in the libcamera core formats, including an expansion to the
format info to account for how many bytes are needed per how many pixels
The last patch then removes the formats from V4L2CameraProxy and uses
the libcamera core formats, cleaning code up at the same time.

Changes in v2:
- add documentation
- fix vocab/wording
- other minor changes

Paul Elder (6):
  libcamera: formats: Add NV24 and NV42, and reorder NV formats
  libcamera: formats: Add fields to info ease calculating stride
  libcamera: formats: PixelFormatInfo: Add v4l2 lookup function
  libcamera: PixelFormatInfo: Add functions bytesPerLine and imageSize
  libcamera: pipeline: raspberrypi: Simplify format fetching
  v4l2: v4l2_camera_proxy: Use libcamera formats

 include/libcamera/internal/formats.h          |   8 +-
 src/libcamera/formats.cpp                     | 197 ++++++++++++++++--
 .../pipeline/raspberrypi/raspberrypi.cpp      |   3 +-
 src/v4l2/v4l2_camera_proxy.cpp                | 165 +++------------
 src/v4l2/v4l2_camera_proxy.h                  |   7 -
 5 files changed, 226 insertions(+), 154 deletions(-)