Prepare for allowing multiple streams in qcam by unifying the cam and
qcam command line options parsing for stream options. With this RAW
capture support can be added to qcam without first redesigning the whole
GUI to allow for individual stream configuration.
Also having the same options for cam and qcam to configure streams is a
good idea. As this series reveals some features where enabled in cam but
not in qcam.
Niklas Söderlund (3):
cam: Add helper class to parse stream configuration
cam: Make use of StreamOptionsParser
qcam: Make use of StreamOptionsParser
src/cam/main.cpp | 77 +++---------------------
src/cam/meson.build | 1 +
src/cam/stream_options.cpp | 116 +++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++
src/cam/stream_options.h | 63 ++++++++++++++++++++
src/qcam/main.cpp | 19 ++----
src/qcam/main_window.cpp | 34 +++++------
src/qcam/main_window.h | 8 +--
src/qcam/meson.build | 1 +
8 files changed, 214 insertions(+), 105 deletions(-)
create mode 100644 src/cam/stream_options.cpp
create mode 100644 src/cam/stream_options.h