[v4,00/17] Improve linear algebra helpers in libipa
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Message ID 20241119121928.30939-1-laurent.pinchart@ideasonboard.com
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  • Improve linear algebra helpers in libipa
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Laurent Pinchart Nov. 19, 2024, 12:19 p.m. UTC

This patch series tries to simplify IPA linear algebra calculations by
improving the Vector class API.

Patches 01/17 to 10/17 start by improving the Vector class, and patch
11/17 adds a unit test for the class. Patche 12/17 follows with
migrating the IPU3 IPA module to replace its custom RGB class with the
generic version, enabling usage of the new RGB class in the libipa API
in patch 13/17. Patches 14/17 to 16/17 are further code simpflications
thanks to the new helpers. Finally, patch 17/17 is a drive-by extension
of a comment to record information I discovered while working on the

Further usage of the RGB, Vector and Matrix classes are likely possible.
In particular, I have limited changes to the Raspberry Pi IPA module to
the minimum required due to the updates in colours.h.

Please see individual patches for detailed changelogs.

Laurent Pinchart (17):
  ipa: libipa: vector: Add mutable x(), y() and z() accessors
  ipa: libipa: vector: Add r(), g() and b() accessors
  ipa: libipa: vector: Add scalar constructor
  ipa: libipa: vector: Add copy constructor and assignment operator
  ipa: libipa: vector: Rename the dot product operator*() to dot()
  ipa: libipa: vector: Generalize arithmetic operators
  ipa: libipa: vector: Add missing binary arithemtic operators
  ipa: libipa: vector: Add compound assignment operators
  ipa: libipa: vector: Add element-wise min() and max() functions
  ipa: libipa: vector: Add sum() function
  test: libipa: Add Vector class test
  ipa: ipu3: awb: Replace Awb::RGB class with ipa::RGB
  ipa: libipa: colour: Use the RGB class to model RGB values
  ipa: libipa: colour: Use Vector and Matrix for linear algebra
  ipa: rkisp1: awb: Use RGB class to store colour gains
  ipa: rkisp1: awb: Use Vector and Matrix for linear algebra
  ipa: rkisp1: awb: Expand comment

 src/ipa/ipu3/algorithms/agc.cpp            |  14 +-
 src/ipa/ipu3/algorithms/awb.cpp            |  37 +--
 src/ipa/ipu3/algorithms/awb.h              |  18 +-
 src/ipa/libipa/colours.cpp                 |  40 ++--
 src/ipa/libipa/colours.h                   |   6 +-
 src/ipa/libipa/vector.cpp                  | 264 ++++++++++++++++++---
 src/ipa/libipa/vector.h                    | 254 ++++++++++++++++----
 src/ipa/rkisp1/algorithms/awb.cpp          | 127 +++++-----
 src/ipa/rkisp1/ipa_context.cpp             |  31 +--
 src/ipa/rkisp1/ipa_context.h               |  20 +-
 src/ipa/rpi/controller/rpi/agc_channel.cpp |  21 +-
 test/ipa/libipa/meson.build                |   2 +
 test/ipa/libipa/vector.cpp                 | 100 ++++++++
 13 files changed, 668 insertions(+), 266 deletions(-)
 create mode 100644 test/ipa/libipa/vector.cpp

base-commit: d5217b16020c659145f9d6dbf5849129b8500967