[libcamera-devel,v5.1,5/7] libcamera: controls: Reorder and update description of existing controls

Message ID 20200426002530.24747-1-laurent.pinchart@ideasonboard.com
State Accepted
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  • Untitled series #827
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Commit Message

Laurent Pinchart April 26, 2020, 12:25 a.m. UTC
From: Naushir Patuck <naush@raspberrypi.com>

Group AE, AWB, etc. controls together for accessibility.

Update descriptions for Contrast, Brightness, and Saturation controls.

Update the uvcvideo and vimc pipeline handlers to use the new
brightness, contrast and saturation units. UVC has no explicit units for
those controls, so map them with a best effort heuristic. For VIMC,
hardcode the control range based on knowledge of the driver
implementation for simplicity.

Signed-off-by: Naushir Patuck <naush@raspberrypi.com>
Reviewed-by: Laurent Pinchart <laurent.pinchart@ideasonboard.com>
Signed-off-by: Laurent Pinchart <laurent.pinchart@ideasonboard.com>
Changes since v5:

- Include math.h in vimc.cpp
 src/libcamera/control_ids.yaml               | 42 +++++++-----
 src/libcamera/pipeline/uvcvideo/uvcvideo.cpp | 67 +++++++++++++++++---
 src/libcamera/pipeline/vimc/vimc.cpp         | 30 ++++++---
 3 files changed, 104 insertions(+), 35 deletions(-)


Jacopo Mondi April 27, 2020, 2:43 p.m. UTC | #1
Hi Laurent,

On Sun, Apr 26, 2020 at 03:25:30AM +0300, Laurent Pinchart wrote:
> From: Naushir Patuck <naush@raspberrypi.com>
> Group AE, AWB, etc. controls together for accessibility.
> Update descriptions for Contrast, Brightness, and Saturation controls.
> Update the uvcvideo and vimc pipeline handlers to use the new
> brightness, contrast and saturation units. UVC has no explicit units for
> those controls, so map them with a best effort heuristic. For VIMC,
> hardcode the control range based on knowledge of the driver
> implementation for simplicity.
> Signed-off-by: Naushir Patuck <naush@raspberrypi.com>
> Reviewed-by: Laurent Pinchart <laurent.pinchart@ideasonboard.com>
> Signed-off-by: Laurent Pinchart <laurent.pinchart@ideasonboard.com>

Reviewed-by: Jacopo Mondi <jacopo@jmondi.org>


> ---
> Changes since v5:
> - Include math.h in vimc.cpp
> ---
>  src/libcamera/control_ids.yaml               | 42 +++++++-----
>  src/libcamera/pipeline/uvcvideo/uvcvideo.cpp | 67 +++++++++++++++++---
>  src/libcamera/pipeline/vimc/vimc.cpp         | 30 ++++++---
>  3 files changed, 104 insertions(+), 35 deletions(-)
> diff --git a/src/libcamera/control_ids.yaml b/src/libcamera/control_ids.yaml
> index d8bdb3829be4..f2ac052b3d3e 100644
> --- a/src/libcamera/control_ids.yaml
> +++ b/src/libcamera/control_ids.yaml
> @@ -25,23 +25,6 @@ controls:
>          \sa AeEnable
> -  - AwbEnable:
> -      type: bool
> -      description: |
> -        Enable or disable the AWB.
> -
> -  - Brightness:
> -      type: int32_t
> -      description: Specify a fixed brightness parameter
> -
> -  - Contrast:
> -      type: int32_t
> -      description: Specify a fixed contrast parameter
> -
> -  - Saturation:
> -      type: int32_t
> -      description: Specify a fixed saturation parameter
> -
>    - ExposureTime:
>        type: int32_t
>        description: |
> @@ -58,4 +41,29 @@ controls:
>          colour channels. This value cannot be lower than 1.0.
>          \sa ExposureTime AeEnable
> +
> +  - Brightness:
> +      type: float
> +      description: |
> +        Specify a fixed brightness parameter. Positive values (up to 1.0)
> +        produce brighter images; negative values (up to -1.0) produce darker
> +        images and 0.0 leaves pixels unchanged.
> +
> +  - Contrast:
> +      type: float
> +      description:  |
> +        Specify a fixed contrast parameter. Normal contrast is given by the
> +        value 1.0; larger values produce images with more contrast.
> +
> +  - AwbEnable:
> +      type: bool
> +      description: |
> +        Enable or disable the AWB.
> +
> +  - Saturation:
> +      type: float
> +      description:  |
> +        Specify a fixed saturation parameter. Normal saturation is given by
> +        the value 1.0; larger values produce more saturated colours; 0.0
> +        produces a greyscale image.
>  ...
> diff --git a/src/libcamera/pipeline/uvcvideo/uvcvideo.cpp b/src/libcamera/pipeline/uvcvideo/uvcvideo.cpp
> index 08462542a79b..030ac6864752 100644
> --- a/src/libcamera/pipeline/uvcvideo/uvcvideo.cpp
> +++ b/src/libcamera/pipeline/uvcvideo/uvcvideo.cpp
> @@ -263,12 +263,29 @@ int PipelineHandlerUVC::processControl(ControlList *controls, unsigned int id,
>  		return -EINVAL;
>  	const ControlInfo &v4l2Info = controls->infoMap()->at(cid);
> +	int32_t min = v4l2Info.min().get<int32_t>();
> +	int32_t def = v4l2Info.def().get<int32_t>();
> +	int32_t max = v4l2Info.max().get<int32_t>();
>  	/*
>  	 * See UVCCameraData::addControl() for explanations of the different
>  	 * value mappings.
>  	 */
>  	switch (cid) {
> +	case V4L2_CID_BRIGHTNESS: {
> +		float scale = std::max(max - def, def - min);
> +		float fvalue = value.get<float>() * scale + def;
> +		controls->set(cid, static_cast<int32_t>(lroundf(fvalue)));
> +		break;
> +	}
> +
> +	case V4L2_CID_SATURATION: {
> +		float scale = def - min;
> +		float fvalue = value.get<float>() * scale + min;
> +		controls->set(cid, static_cast<int32_t>(lroundf(fvalue)));
> +		break;
> +	}
> +
>  	case V4L2_CID_EXPOSURE_AUTO: {
>  		int32_t ivalue = value.get<bool>()
> @@ -281,11 +298,8 @@ int PipelineHandlerUVC::processControl(ControlList *controls, unsigned int id,
>  		controls->set(cid, value.get<int32_t>() / 100);
>  		break;
> +	case V4L2_CID_CONTRAST:
>  	case V4L2_CID_GAIN: {
> -		int32_t min = v4l2Info.min().get<int32_t>();
> -		int32_t max = v4l2Info.max().get<int32_t>();
> -		int32_t def = v4l2Info.def().get<int32_t>();
> -
>  		float m = (4.0f - 1.0f) / (max - def);
>  		float p = 1.0f - m * def;
> @@ -457,6 +471,38 @@ void UVCCameraData::addControl(uint32_t cid, const ControlInfo &v4l2Info,
>  	int32_t def = v4l2Info.def().get<int32_t>();
>  	switch (cid) {
> +	case V4L2_CID_BRIGHTNESS: {
> +		/*
> +		 * The Brightness control is a float, with 0.0 mapped to the
> +		 * default value. The control range is [-1.0, 1.0], but the V4L2
> +		 * default may not be in the middle of the V4L2 range.
> +		 * Accommodate this by restricting the range of the libcamera
> +		 * control, but always within the maximum limits.
> +		 */
> +		float scale = std::max(max - def, def - min);
> +
> +		info = ControlInfo{
> +			{ static_cast<float>(min - def) / scale },
> +			{ static_cast<float>(max - def) / scale },
> +			{ 0.0f }
> +		};
> +		break;
> +	}
> +
> +		/*
> +		 * The Saturation control is a float, with 0.0 mapped to the
> +		 * minimum value (corresponding to a fully desaturated image)
> +		 * and 1.0 mapped to the default value. Calculate the maximum
> +		 * value accordingly.
> +		 */
> +		info = ControlInfo{
> +			{ 0.0f },
> +			{ static_cast<float>(max - min) / (def - min) },
> +			{ 1.0f }
> +		};
> +		break;
> +
>  		info = ControlInfo{ false, true, true };
>  		break;
> @@ -473,14 +519,15 @@ void UVCCameraData::addControl(uint32_t cid, const ControlInfo &v4l2Info,
>  		};
>  		break;
> +	case V4L2_CID_CONTRAST:
>  	case V4L2_CID_GAIN: {
>  		/*
> -		 * The AnalogueGain control is a float, with 1.0 mapped to the
> -		 * default value. UVC doesn't specify units, and cameras have
> -		 * been seen to expose very different ranges for the gain
> -		 * control. Arbitrarily assume that the minimum and maximum
> -		 * values are respectively no lower than 0.5 and no higher than
> -		 * 4.0.
> +		 * The Contrast and AnalogueGain controls are floats, with 1.0
> +		 * mapped to the default value. UVC doesn't specify units, and
> +		 * cameras have been seen to expose very different ranges for
> +		 * the controls. Arbitrarily assume that the minimum and
> +		 * maximum values are respectively no lower than 0.5 and no
> +		 * higher than 4.0.
>  		 */
>  		float m = (4.0f - 1.0f) / (max - def);
>  		float p = 1.0f - m * def;
> diff --git a/src/libcamera/pipeline/vimc/vimc.cpp b/src/libcamera/pipeline/vimc/vimc.cpp
> index c5eea3a01b0e..77de4c38bf01 100644
> --- a/src/libcamera/pipeline/vimc/vimc.cpp
> +++ b/src/libcamera/pipeline/vimc/vimc.cpp
> @@ -8,6 +8,7 @@
>  #include <algorithm>
>  #include <array>
>  #include <iomanip>
> +#include <math.h>
>  #include <tuple>
>  #include <linux/media-bus-format.h>
> @@ -304,14 +305,24 @@ int PipelineHandlerVimc::processControls(VimcCameraData *data, Request *request)
>  	for (auto it : request->controls()) {
>  		unsigned int id = it.first;
> -		ControlValue &value = it.second;
> +		unsigned int offset;
> +		uint32_t cid;
> -		if (id == controls::Brightness)
> -			controls.set(V4L2_CID_BRIGHTNESS, value);
> -		else if (id == controls::Contrast)
> -			controls.set(V4L2_CID_CONTRAST, value);
> -		else if (id == controls::Saturation)
> -			controls.set(V4L2_CID_SATURATION, value);
> +		if (id == controls::Brightness) {
> +			cid = V4L2_CID_BRIGHTNESS;
> +			offset = 128;
> +		} else if (id == controls::Contrast) {
> +			cid = V4L2_CID_CONTRAST;
> +			offset = 0;
> +		} else if (id == controls::Saturation) {
> +			cid = V4L2_CID_SATURATION;
> +			offset = 0;
> +		} else {
> +			continue;
> +		}
> +
> +		int32_t value = lroundf(it.second.get<float>() * 128 + offset);
> +		controls.set(cid, utils::clamp(value, 0, 255));
>  	}
>  	for (const auto &ctrl : controls)
> @@ -434,18 +445,21 @@ int VimcCameraData::init(MediaDevice *media)
>  	ControlInfoMap::Map ctrls;
>  	for (const auto &ctrl : controls) {
> -		const ControlInfo &info = ctrl.second;
>  		const ControlId *id;
> +		ControlInfo info;
>  		switch (ctrl.first->id()) {
>  		case V4L2_CID_BRIGHTNESS:
>  			id = &controls::Brightness;
> +			info = ControlInfo{ { -1.0f }, { 1.0f }, { 0.0f } };
>  			break;
>  		case V4L2_CID_CONTRAST:
>  			id = &controls::Contrast;
> +			info = ControlInfo{ { 0.0f }, { 2.0f }, { 1.0f } };
>  			break;
>  		case V4L2_CID_SATURATION:
>  			id = &controls::Saturation;
> +			info = ControlInfo{ { 0.0f }, { 2.0f }, { 1.0f } };
>  			break;
>  		default:
>  			continue;
> --
> Regards,
> Laurent Pinchart
> _______________________________________________
> libcamera-devel mailing list
> libcamera-devel@lists.libcamera.org
> https://lists.libcamera.org/listinfo/libcamera-devel


diff --git a/src/libcamera/control_ids.yaml b/src/libcamera/control_ids.yaml
index d8bdb3829be4..f2ac052b3d3e 100644
--- a/src/libcamera/control_ids.yaml
+++ b/src/libcamera/control_ids.yaml
@@ -25,23 +25,6 @@  controls:
         \sa AeEnable
-  - AwbEnable:
-      type: bool
-      description: |
-        Enable or disable the AWB.
-  - Brightness:
-      type: int32_t
-      description: Specify a fixed brightness parameter
-  - Contrast:
-      type: int32_t
-      description: Specify a fixed contrast parameter
-  - Saturation:
-      type: int32_t
-      description: Specify a fixed saturation parameter
   - ExposureTime:
       type: int32_t
       description: |
@@ -58,4 +41,29 @@  controls:
         colour channels. This value cannot be lower than 1.0.
         \sa ExposureTime AeEnable
+  - Brightness:
+      type: float
+      description: |
+        Specify a fixed brightness parameter. Positive values (up to 1.0)
+        produce brighter images; negative values (up to -1.0) produce darker
+        images and 0.0 leaves pixels unchanged.
+  - Contrast:
+      type: float
+      description:  |
+        Specify a fixed contrast parameter. Normal contrast is given by the
+        value 1.0; larger values produce images with more contrast.
+  - AwbEnable:
+      type: bool
+      description: |
+        Enable or disable the AWB.
+  - Saturation:
+      type: float
+      description:  |
+        Specify a fixed saturation parameter. Normal saturation is given by
+        the value 1.0; larger values produce more saturated colours; 0.0
+        produces a greyscale image.
diff --git a/src/libcamera/pipeline/uvcvideo/uvcvideo.cpp b/src/libcamera/pipeline/uvcvideo/uvcvideo.cpp
index 08462542a79b..030ac6864752 100644
--- a/src/libcamera/pipeline/uvcvideo/uvcvideo.cpp
+++ b/src/libcamera/pipeline/uvcvideo/uvcvideo.cpp
@@ -263,12 +263,29 @@  int PipelineHandlerUVC::processControl(ControlList *controls, unsigned int id,
 		return -EINVAL;
 	const ControlInfo &v4l2Info = controls->infoMap()->at(cid);
+	int32_t min = v4l2Info.min().get<int32_t>();
+	int32_t def = v4l2Info.def().get<int32_t>();
+	int32_t max = v4l2Info.max().get<int32_t>();
 	 * See UVCCameraData::addControl() for explanations of the different
 	 * value mappings.
 	switch (cid) {
+		float scale = std::max(max - def, def - min);
+		float fvalue = value.get<float>() * scale + def;
+		controls->set(cid, static_cast<int32_t>(lroundf(fvalue)));
+		break;
+	}
+		float scale = def - min;
+		float fvalue = value.get<float>() * scale + min;
+		controls->set(cid, static_cast<int32_t>(lroundf(fvalue)));
+		break;
+	}
 		int32_t ivalue = value.get<bool>()
@@ -281,11 +298,8 @@  int PipelineHandlerUVC::processControl(ControlList *controls, unsigned int id,
 		controls->set(cid, value.get<int32_t>() / 100);
 	case V4L2_CID_GAIN: {
-		int32_t min = v4l2Info.min().get<int32_t>();
-		int32_t max = v4l2Info.max().get<int32_t>();
-		int32_t def = v4l2Info.def().get<int32_t>();
 		float m = (4.0f - 1.0f) / (max - def);
 		float p = 1.0f - m * def;
@@ -457,6 +471,38 @@  void UVCCameraData::addControl(uint32_t cid, const ControlInfo &v4l2Info,
 	int32_t def = v4l2Info.def().get<int32_t>();
 	switch (cid) {
+		/*
+		 * The Brightness control is a float, with 0.0 mapped to the
+		 * default value. The control range is [-1.0, 1.0], but the V4L2
+		 * default may not be in the middle of the V4L2 range.
+		 * Accommodate this by restricting the range of the libcamera
+		 * control, but always within the maximum limits.
+		 */
+		float scale = std::max(max - def, def - min);
+		info = ControlInfo{
+			{ static_cast<float>(min - def) / scale },
+			{ static_cast<float>(max - def) / scale },
+			{ 0.0f }
+		};
+		break;
+	}
+		/*
+		 * The Saturation control is a float, with 0.0 mapped to the
+		 * minimum value (corresponding to a fully desaturated image)
+		 * and 1.0 mapped to the default value. Calculate the maximum
+		 * value accordingly.
+		 */
+		info = ControlInfo{
+			{ 0.0f },
+			{ static_cast<float>(max - min) / (def - min) },
+			{ 1.0f }
+		};
+		break;
 		info = ControlInfo{ false, true, true };
@@ -473,14 +519,15 @@  void UVCCameraData::addControl(uint32_t cid, const ControlInfo &v4l2Info,
 	case V4L2_CID_GAIN: {
-		 * The AnalogueGain control is a float, with 1.0 mapped to the
-		 * default value. UVC doesn't specify units, and cameras have
-		 * been seen to expose very different ranges for the gain
-		 * control. Arbitrarily assume that the minimum and maximum
-		 * values are respectively no lower than 0.5 and no higher than
-		 * 4.0.
+		 * The Contrast and AnalogueGain controls are floats, with 1.0
+		 * mapped to the default value. UVC doesn't specify units, and
+		 * cameras have been seen to expose very different ranges for
+		 * the controls. Arbitrarily assume that the minimum and
+		 * maximum values are respectively no lower than 0.5 and no
+		 * higher than 4.0.
 		float m = (4.0f - 1.0f) / (max - def);
 		float p = 1.0f - m * def;
diff --git a/src/libcamera/pipeline/vimc/vimc.cpp b/src/libcamera/pipeline/vimc/vimc.cpp
index c5eea3a01b0e..77de4c38bf01 100644
--- a/src/libcamera/pipeline/vimc/vimc.cpp
+++ b/src/libcamera/pipeline/vimc/vimc.cpp
@@ -8,6 +8,7 @@ 
 #include <algorithm>
 #include <array>
 #include <iomanip>
+#include <math.h>
 #include <tuple>
 #include <linux/media-bus-format.h>
@@ -304,14 +305,24 @@  int PipelineHandlerVimc::processControls(VimcCameraData *data, Request *request)
 	for (auto it : request->controls()) {
 		unsigned int id = it.first;
-		ControlValue &value = it.second;
+		unsigned int offset;
+		uint32_t cid;
-		if (id == controls::Brightness)
-			controls.set(V4L2_CID_BRIGHTNESS, value);
-		else if (id == controls::Contrast)
-			controls.set(V4L2_CID_CONTRAST, value);
-		else if (id == controls::Saturation)
-			controls.set(V4L2_CID_SATURATION, value);
+		if (id == controls::Brightness) {
+			cid = V4L2_CID_BRIGHTNESS;
+			offset = 128;
+		} else if (id == controls::Contrast) {
+			cid = V4L2_CID_CONTRAST;
+			offset = 0;
+		} else if (id == controls::Saturation) {
+			cid = V4L2_CID_SATURATION;
+			offset = 0;
+		} else {
+			continue;
+		}
+		int32_t value = lroundf(it.second.get<float>() * 128 + offset);
+		controls.set(cid, utils::clamp(value, 0, 255));
 	for (const auto &ctrl : controls)
@@ -434,18 +445,21 @@  int VimcCameraData::init(MediaDevice *media)
 	ControlInfoMap::Map ctrls;
 	for (const auto &ctrl : controls) {
-		const ControlInfo &info = ctrl.second;
 		const ControlId *id;
+		ControlInfo info;
 		switch (ctrl.first->id()) {
 			id = &controls::Brightness;
+			info = ControlInfo{ { -1.0f }, { 1.0f }, { 0.0f } };
 		case V4L2_CID_CONTRAST:
 			id = &controls::Contrast;
+			info = ControlInfo{ { 0.0f }, { 2.0f }, { 1.0f } };
 			id = &controls::Saturation;
+			info = ControlInfo{ { 0.0f }, { 2.0f }, { 1.0f } };