[libcamera-devel,RFC,01/12] test: camera: buffer_import: Remove test

Message ID 20191028022525.796995-2-niklas.soderlund@ragnatech.se
State Superseded
Headers show
  • libcamera: Rework buffer API
Related show

Commit Message

Niklas Söderlund Oct. 28, 2019, 2:25 a.m. UTC
The buffer interface is about to be reworked to hide the specifics of
buffer importing and its mapping to V4L2 devices from applications. In
preparation of that remove the camera test which examines this.

The proper operation of buffer importing on the V4L2 level is still
tested in the V4L2 specific buffer sharing test case.

Signed-off-by: Niklas Söderlund <niklas.soderlund@ragnatech.se>
 test/camera/buffer_import.cpp | 432 ----------------------------------
 test/camera/meson.build       |   1 -
 2 files changed, 433 deletions(-)
 delete mode 100644 test/camera/buffer_import.cpp


Laurent Pinchart Nov. 18, 2019, 7:08 p.m. UTC | #1
Hi Niklas,

On Mon, Oct 28, 2019 at 03:25:14AM +0100, Niklas Söderlund wrote:
> The buffer interface is about to be reworked to hide the specifics of
> buffer importing and its mapping to V4L2 devices from applications. In
> preparation of that remove the camera test which examines this.
> The proper operation of buffer importing on the V4L2 level is still
> tested in the V4L2 specific buffer sharing test case.
> Signed-off-by: Niklas Söderlund <niklas.soderlund@ragnatech.se>

While I'm sad to see 432 lines of test going away, I understand they're
in the way of the rework, so I'm OK with it. I however assume that the
non-RFC version of this series will have a new buffer import test (and
even more tests if possible :-)). On that basis,

Acked-by: Laurent Pinchart <laurent.pinchart@ideasonboard.com>

> ---
>  test/camera/buffer_import.cpp | 432 ----------------------------------
>  test/camera/meson.build       |   1 -
>  2 files changed, 433 deletions(-)
>  delete mode 100644 test/camera/buffer_import.cpp
> diff --git a/test/camera/buffer_import.cpp b/test/camera/buffer_import.cpp
> deleted file mode 100644
> index 9cac19d8ce81fa4d..0000000000000000
> --- a/test/camera/buffer_import.cpp
> +++ /dev/null
> @@ -1,432 +0,0 @@
> -/* SPDX-License-Identifier: GPL-2.0-or-later */
> -/*
> - * Copyright (C) 2019, Google Inc.
> - *
> - * libcamera Camera API tests
> - *
> - * Test importing buffers exported from the VIVID output device into a Camera
> - */
> -
> -#include <algorithm>
> -#include <iostream>
> -#include <numeric>
> -#include <random>
> -#include <vector>
> -
> -#include "device_enumerator.h"
> -#include "media_device.h"
> -#include "v4l2_videodevice.h"
> -
> -#include "camera_test.h"
> -
> -using namespace libcamera;
> -
> -static constexpr unsigned int SINK_BUFFER_COUNT = 8;
> -static constexpr unsigned int CAMERA_BUFFER_COUNT = 4;
> -
> -class FrameSink
> -{
> -public:
> -	FrameSink()
> -		: video_(nullptr)
> -	{
> -	}
> -
> -	int init()
> -	{
> -		int ret;
> -
> -		/* Locate and open the video device. */
> -		std::string videoDeviceName = "vivid-000-vid-out";
> -
> -		std::unique_ptr<DeviceEnumerator> enumerator =
> -			DeviceEnumerator::create();
> -		if (!enumerator) {
> -			std::cout << "Failed to create device enumerator" << std::endl;
> -			return TestFail;
> -		}
> -
> -		if (enumerator->enumerate()) {
> -			std::cout << "Failed to enumerate media devices" << std::endl;
> -			return TestFail;
> -		}
> -
> -		DeviceMatch dm("vivid");
> -		dm.add(videoDeviceName);
> -
> -		media_ = enumerator->search(dm);
> -		if (!media_) {
> -			std::cout << "No vivid output device available" << std::endl;
> -			return TestSkip;
> -		}
> -
> -		video_ = V4L2VideoDevice::fromEntityName(media_.get(), videoDeviceName);
> -		if (!video_) {
> -			std::cout << "Unable to open " << videoDeviceName << std::endl;
> -			return TestFail;
> -		}
> -
> -		if (video_->open())
> -			return TestFail;
> -
> -		/* Configure the format. */
> -		ret = video_->getFormat(&format_);
> -		if (ret) {
> -			std::cout << "Failed to get format on output device" << std::endl;
> -			return ret;
> -		}
> -
> -		format_.size.width = 1920;
> -		format_.size.height = 1080;
> -		format_.fourcc = V4L2_PIX_FMT_RGB24;
> -		format_.planesCount = 1;
> -		format_.planes[0].size = 1920 * 1080 * 3;
> -		format_.planes[0].bpl = 1920 * 3;
> -
> -		if (video_->setFormat(&format_)) {
> -			cleanup();
> -			return TestFail;
> -		}
> -
> -		/* Export the buffers to a pool. */
> -		pool_.createBuffers(SINK_BUFFER_COUNT);
> -		ret = video_->exportBuffers(&pool_);
> -		if (ret) {
> -			std::cout << "Failed to export buffers" << std::endl;
> -			cleanup();
> -			return TestFail;
> -		}
> -
> -		/* Only use the first CAMERA_BUFFER_COUNT buffers to start with. */
> -		availableBuffers_.resize(CAMERA_BUFFER_COUNT);
> -		std::iota(availableBuffers_.begin(), availableBuffers_.end(), 0);
> -
> -		/* Connect the buffer ready signal. */
> -		video_->bufferReady.connect(this, &FrameSink::bufferComplete);
> -
> -		return TestPass;
> -	}
> -
> -	void cleanup()
> -	{
> -		if (video_) {
> -			video_->streamOff();
> -			video_->releaseBuffers();
> -			video_->close();
> -
> -			delete video_;
> -			video_ = nullptr;
> -		}
> -
> -		if (media_)
> -			media_->release();
> -	}
> -
> -	int start()
> -	{
> -		requestsCount_ = 0;
> -		done_ = false;
> -
> -		int ret = video_->streamOn();
> -		if (ret < 0)
> -			return ret;
> -
> -		/* Queue all the initial requests. */
> -		for (unsigned int index = 0; index < CAMERA_BUFFER_COUNT; ++index)
> -			queueRequest(index);
> -
> -		return 0;
> -	}
> -
> -	int stop()
> -	{
> -		return video_->streamOff();
> -	}
> -
> -	void requestComplete(uint64_t cookie, const Buffer *metadata)
> -	{
> -		unsigned int index = cookie;
> -
> -		Buffer *buffer = new Buffer(index, metadata);
> -		int ret = video_->queueBuffer(buffer);
> -		if (ret < 0)
> -			std::cout << "Failed to queue buffer to sink" << std::endl;
> -	}
> -
> -	bool done() const { return done_; }
> -	const V4L2DeviceFormat &format() const { return format_; }
> -
> -	Signal<uint64_t, int> requestReady;
> -
> -private:
> -	void queueRequest(unsigned int index)
> -	{
> -		auto it = std::find(availableBuffers_.begin(),
> -				    availableBuffers_.end(), index);
> -		availableBuffers_.erase(it);
> -
> -		uint64_t cookie = index;
> -		BufferMemory &mem = pool_.buffers()[index];
> -		int dmabuf = mem.planes()[0].dmabuf();
> -
> -		requestReady.emit(cookie, dmabuf);
> -
> -		requestsCount_++;
> -	}
> -
> -	void bufferComplete(Buffer *buffer)
> -	{
> -		availableBuffers_.push_back(buffer->index());
> -
> -		/*
> -		 * Pick the buffer for the next request among the available
> -		 * buffers.
> -		 *
> -		 * For the first 20 frames, select the buffer that has just
> -		 * completed to keep the mapping of dmabuf fds to buffers
> -		 * unchanged in the camera.
> -		 *
> -		 * For the next 20 frames, cycle randomly over the available
> -		 * buffers. The mapping should still be kept unchanged, as the
> -		 * camera should map using the cached fds.
> -		 *
> -		 * For the last 20 frames, cycles through all buffers, which
> -		 * should trash the mappings.
> -		 */
> -		unsigned int index = buffer->index();
> -		delete buffer;
> -
> -		std::cout << "Completed buffer, request=" << requestsCount_
> -			  << ", available buffers=" << availableBuffers_.size()
> -			  << std::endl;
> -
> -		if (requestsCount_ >= 60) {
> -			if (availableBuffers_.size() == SINK_BUFFER_COUNT)
> -				done_ = true;
> -			return;
> -		}
> -
> -		if (requestsCount_ == 40) {
> -			/* Add the remaining of the buffers. */
> -			for (unsigned int i = CAMERA_BUFFER_COUNT;
> -			     i < SINK_BUFFER_COUNT; ++i)
> -				availableBuffers_.push_back(i);
> -		}
> -
> -		if (requestsCount_ >= 20) {
> -			/*
> -			 * Wait until we have enough buffers to make this
> -			 * meaningful. Preferably half of the camera buffers,
> -			 * but no less than 2 in any case.
> -			 */
> -			const unsigned int min_pool_size =
> -				std::min(CAMERA_BUFFER_COUNT / 2, 2U);
> -			if (availableBuffers_.size() < min_pool_size)
> -				return;
> -
> -			/* Pick a buffer at random. */
> -			unsigned int pos = random_() % availableBuffers_.size();
> -			index = availableBuffers_[pos];
> -		}
> -
> -		queueRequest(index);
> -	}
> -
> -	std::shared_ptr<MediaDevice> media_;
> -	V4L2VideoDevice *video_;
> -	BufferPool pool_;
> -	V4L2DeviceFormat format_;
> -
> -	unsigned int requestsCount_;
> -	std::vector<int> availableBuffers_;
> -	std::random_device random_;
> -
> -	bool done_;
> -};
> -
> -class BufferImportTest : public CameraTest
> -{
> -public:
> -	BufferImportTest()
> -		: CameraTest()
> -	{
> -	}
> -
> -	void queueRequest(uint64_t cookie, int dmabuf)
> -	{
> -		Request *request = camera_->createRequest(cookie);
> -
> -		std::unique_ptr<Buffer> buffer = stream_->createBuffer({ dmabuf, -1, -1 });
> -		request->addBuffer(move(buffer));
> -		camera_->queueRequest(request);
> -	}
> -
> -protected:
> -	void bufferComplete(Request *request, Buffer *buffer)
> -	{
> -		if (buffer->status() != Buffer::BufferSuccess)
> -			return;
> -
> -		unsigned int index = buffer->index();
> -		int dmabuf = buffer->dmabufs()[0];
> -
> -		/* Record dmabuf to index remappings. */
> -		bool remapped = false;
> -		if (bufferMappings_.find(index) != bufferMappings_.end()) {
> -			if (bufferMappings_[index] != dmabuf)
> -				remapped = true;
> -		}
> -
> -		std::cout << "Completed request " << framesCaptured_
> -			  << ": dmabuf fd " << dmabuf
> -			  << " -> index " << index
> -			  << " (" << (remapped ? 'R' : '-') << ")"
> -			  << std::endl;
> -
> -		if (remapped)
> -			bufferRemappings_.push_back(framesCaptured_);
> -
> -		bufferMappings_[index] = dmabuf;
> -		framesCaptured_++;
> -
> -		sink_.requestComplete(request->cookie(), buffer);
> -
> -		if (framesCaptured_ == 60)
> -			sink_.stop();
> -	}
> -
> -	int initCamera()
> -	{
> -		if (camera_->acquire()) {
> -			std::cout << "Failed to acquire the camera" << std::endl;
> -			return TestFail;
> -		}
> -
> -		/*
> -		 * Configure the Stream to work with externally allocated
> -		 * buffers by setting the memoryType to ExternalMemory.
> -		 */
> -		std::unique_ptr<CameraConfiguration> config;
> -		config = camera_->generateConfiguration({ StreamRole::VideoRecording });
> -		if (!config || config->size() != 1) {
> -			std::cout << "Failed to generate configuration" << std::endl;
> -			return TestFail;
> -		}
> -
> -		const V4L2DeviceFormat &format = sink_.format();
> -
> -		StreamConfiguration &cfg = config->at(0);
> -		cfg.size = format.size;
> -		cfg.pixelFormat = format.fourcc;
> -		cfg.bufferCount = CAMERA_BUFFER_COUNT;
> -		cfg.memoryType = ExternalMemory;
> -
> -		if (camera_->configure(config.get())) {
> -			std::cout << "Failed to set configuration" << std::endl;
> -			return TestFail;
> -		}
> -
> -		stream_ = cfg.stream();
> -
> -		/* Allocate buffers. */
> -		if (camera_->allocateBuffers()) {
> -			std::cout << "Failed to allocate buffers" << std::endl;
> -			return TestFail;
> -		}
> -
> -		/* Connect the buffer completed signal. */
> -		camera_->bufferCompleted.connect(this, &BufferImportTest::bufferComplete);
> -
> -		return TestPass;
> -	}
> -
> -	int init()
> -	{
> -		int ret = CameraTest::init();
> -		if (ret)
> -			return ret;
> -
> -		ret = sink_.init();
> -		if (ret != TestPass) {
> -			cleanup();
> -			return ret;
> -		}
> -
> -		ret = initCamera();
> -		if (ret != TestPass) {
> -			cleanup();
> -			return ret;
> -		}
> -
> -		sink_.requestReady.connect(this, &BufferImportTest::queueRequest);
> -		return TestPass;
> -	}
> -
> -	int run()
> -	{
> -		int ret;
> -
> -		framesCaptured_ = 0;
> -
> -		if (camera_->start()) {
> -			std::cout << "Failed to start camera" << std::endl;
> -			return TestFail;
> -		}
> -
> -		ret = sink_.start();
> -		if (ret < 0) {
> -			std::cout << "Failed to start sink" << std::endl;
> -			return TestFail;
> -		}
> -
> -		EventDispatcher *dispatcher = cm_->eventDispatcher();
> -
> -		Timer timer;
> -		timer.start(5000);
> -		while (timer.isRunning() && !sink_.done())
> -			dispatcher->processEvents();
> -
> -		std::cout << framesCaptured_ << " frames captured, "
> -			  << bufferRemappings_.size() << " buffers remapped"
> -			  << std::endl;
> -
> -		if (framesCaptured_ < 60) {
> -			std::cout << "Too few frames captured" << std::endl;
> -			return TestFail;
> -		}
> -
> -		if (bufferRemappings_.empty()) {
> -			std::cout << "No buffer remappings" << std::endl;
> -			return TestFail;
> -		}
> -
> -		if (bufferRemappings_[0] < 40) {
> -			std::cout << "Early buffer remapping" << std::endl;
> -			return TestFail;
> -		}
> -
> -		return TestPass;
> -	}
> -
> -	void cleanup()
> -	{
> -		sink_.cleanup();
> -
> -		camera_->stop();
> -		camera_->freeBuffers();
> -
> -		CameraTest::cleanup();
> -	}
> -
> -private:
> -	Stream *stream_;
> -
> -	std::map<unsigned int, int> bufferMappings_;
> -	std::vector<unsigned int> bufferRemappings_;
> -	unsigned int framesCaptured_;
> -
> -	FrameSink sink_;
> -};
> -
> -TEST_REGISTER(BufferImportTest);
> diff --git a/test/camera/meson.build b/test/camera/meson.build
> index d6fd66b8f89e21b4..35e97ce5de1a72ca 100644
> --- a/test/camera/meson.build
> +++ b/test/camera/meson.build
> @@ -3,7 +3,6 @@
>  camera_tests = [
>      [ 'configuration_default',  'configuration_default.cpp' ],
>      [ 'configuration_set',      'configuration_set.cpp' ],
> -    [ 'buffer_import',          'buffer_import.cpp' ],
>      [ 'statemachine',           'statemachine.cpp' ],
>      [ 'capture',                'capture.cpp' ],
>  ]


diff --git a/test/camera/buffer_import.cpp b/test/camera/buffer_import.cpp
deleted file mode 100644
index 9cac19d8ce81fa4d..0000000000000000
--- a/test/camera/buffer_import.cpp
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,432 +0,0 @@ 
-/* SPDX-License-Identifier: GPL-2.0-or-later */
- * Copyright (C) 2019, Google Inc.
- *
- * libcamera Camera API tests
- *
- * Test importing buffers exported from the VIVID output device into a Camera
- */
-#include <algorithm>
-#include <iostream>
-#include <numeric>
-#include <random>
-#include <vector>
-#include "device_enumerator.h"
-#include "media_device.h"
-#include "v4l2_videodevice.h"
-#include "camera_test.h"
-using namespace libcamera;
-static constexpr unsigned int SINK_BUFFER_COUNT = 8;
-static constexpr unsigned int CAMERA_BUFFER_COUNT = 4;
-class FrameSink
-	FrameSink()
-		: video_(nullptr)
-	{
-	}
-	int init()
-	{
-		int ret;
-		/* Locate and open the video device. */
-		std::string videoDeviceName = "vivid-000-vid-out";
-		std::unique_ptr<DeviceEnumerator> enumerator =
-			DeviceEnumerator::create();
-		if (!enumerator) {
-			std::cout << "Failed to create device enumerator" << std::endl;
-			return TestFail;
-		}
-		if (enumerator->enumerate()) {
-			std::cout << "Failed to enumerate media devices" << std::endl;
-			return TestFail;
-		}
-		DeviceMatch dm("vivid");
-		dm.add(videoDeviceName);
-		media_ = enumerator->search(dm);
-		if (!media_) {
-			std::cout << "No vivid output device available" << std::endl;
-			return TestSkip;
-		}
-		video_ = V4L2VideoDevice::fromEntityName(media_.get(), videoDeviceName);
-		if (!video_) {
-			std::cout << "Unable to open " << videoDeviceName << std::endl;
-			return TestFail;
-		}
-		if (video_->open())
-			return TestFail;
-		/* Configure the format. */
-		ret = video_->getFormat(&format_);
-		if (ret) {
-			std::cout << "Failed to get format on output device" << std::endl;
-			return ret;
-		}
-		format_.size.width = 1920;
-		format_.size.height = 1080;
-		format_.fourcc = V4L2_PIX_FMT_RGB24;
-		format_.planesCount = 1;
-		format_.planes[0].size = 1920 * 1080 * 3;
-		format_.planes[0].bpl = 1920 * 3;
-		if (video_->setFormat(&format_)) {
-			cleanup();
-			return TestFail;
-		}
-		/* Export the buffers to a pool. */
-		pool_.createBuffers(SINK_BUFFER_COUNT);
-		ret = video_->exportBuffers(&pool_);
-		if (ret) {
-			std::cout << "Failed to export buffers" << std::endl;
-			cleanup();
-			return TestFail;
-		}
-		/* Only use the first CAMERA_BUFFER_COUNT buffers to start with. */
-		availableBuffers_.resize(CAMERA_BUFFER_COUNT);
-		std::iota(availableBuffers_.begin(), availableBuffers_.end(), 0);
-		/* Connect the buffer ready signal. */
-		video_->bufferReady.connect(this, &FrameSink::bufferComplete);
-		return TestPass;
-	}
-	void cleanup()
-	{
-		if (video_) {
-			video_->streamOff();
-			video_->releaseBuffers();
-			video_->close();
-			delete video_;
-			video_ = nullptr;
-		}
-		if (media_)
-			media_->release();
-	}
-	int start()
-	{
-		requestsCount_ = 0;
-		done_ = false;
-		int ret = video_->streamOn();
-		if (ret < 0)
-			return ret;
-		/* Queue all the initial requests. */
-		for (unsigned int index = 0; index < CAMERA_BUFFER_COUNT; ++index)
-			queueRequest(index);
-		return 0;
-	}
-	int stop()
-	{
-		return video_->streamOff();
-	}
-	void requestComplete(uint64_t cookie, const Buffer *metadata)
-	{
-		unsigned int index = cookie;
-		Buffer *buffer = new Buffer(index, metadata);
-		int ret = video_->queueBuffer(buffer);
-		if (ret < 0)
-			std::cout << "Failed to queue buffer to sink" << std::endl;
-	}
-	bool done() const { return done_; }
-	const V4L2DeviceFormat &format() const { return format_; }
-	Signal<uint64_t, int> requestReady;
-	void queueRequest(unsigned int index)
-	{
-		auto it = std::find(availableBuffers_.begin(),
-				    availableBuffers_.end(), index);
-		availableBuffers_.erase(it);
-		uint64_t cookie = index;
-		BufferMemory &mem = pool_.buffers()[index];
-		int dmabuf = mem.planes()[0].dmabuf();
-		requestReady.emit(cookie, dmabuf);
-		requestsCount_++;
-	}
-	void bufferComplete(Buffer *buffer)
-	{
-		availableBuffers_.push_back(buffer->index());
-		/*
-		 * Pick the buffer for the next request among the available
-		 * buffers.
-		 *
-		 * For the first 20 frames, select the buffer that has just
-		 * completed to keep the mapping of dmabuf fds to buffers
-		 * unchanged in the camera.
-		 *
-		 * For the next 20 frames, cycle randomly over the available
-		 * buffers. The mapping should still be kept unchanged, as the
-		 * camera should map using the cached fds.
-		 *
-		 * For the last 20 frames, cycles through all buffers, which
-		 * should trash the mappings.
-		 */
-		unsigned int index = buffer->index();
-		delete buffer;
-		std::cout << "Completed buffer, request=" << requestsCount_
-			  << ", available buffers=" << availableBuffers_.size()
-			  << std::endl;
-		if (requestsCount_ >= 60) {
-			if (availableBuffers_.size() == SINK_BUFFER_COUNT)
-				done_ = true;
-			return;
-		}
-		if (requestsCount_ == 40) {
-			/* Add the remaining of the buffers. */
-			for (unsigned int i = CAMERA_BUFFER_COUNT;
-			     i < SINK_BUFFER_COUNT; ++i)
-				availableBuffers_.push_back(i);
-		}
-		if (requestsCount_ >= 20) {
-			/*
-			 * Wait until we have enough buffers to make this
-			 * meaningful. Preferably half of the camera buffers,
-			 * but no less than 2 in any case.
-			 */
-			const unsigned int min_pool_size =
-				std::min(CAMERA_BUFFER_COUNT / 2, 2U);
-			if (availableBuffers_.size() < min_pool_size)
-				return;
-			/* Pick a buffer at random. */
-			unsigned int pos = random_() % availableBuffers_.size();
-			index = availableBuffers_[pos];
-		}
-		queueRequest(index);
-	}
-	std::shared_ptr<MediaDevice> media_;
-	V4L2VideoDevice *video_;
-	BufferPool pool_;
-	V4L2DeviceFormat format_;
-	unsigned int requestsCount_;
-	std::vector<int> availableBuffers_;
-	std::random_device random_;
-	bool done_;
-class BufferImportTest : public CameraTest
-	BufferImportTest()
-		: CameraTest()
-	{
-	}
-	void queueRequest(uint64_t cookie, int dmabuf)
-	{
-		Request *request = camera_->createRequest(cookie);
-		std::unique_ptr<Buffer> buffer = stream_->createBuffer({ dmabuf, -1, -1 });
-		request->addBuffer(move(buffer));
-		camera_->queueRequest(request);
-	}
-	void bufferComplete(Request *request, Buffer *buffer)
-	{
-		if (buffer->status() != Buffer::BufferSuccess)
-			return;
-		unsigned int index = buffer->index();
-		int dmabuf = buffer->dmabufs()[0];
-		/* Record dmabuf to index remappings. */
-		bool remapped = false;
-		if (bufferMappings_.find(index) != bufferMappings_.end()) {
-			if (bufferMappings_[index] != dmabuf)
-				remapped = true;
-		}
-		std::cout << "Completed request " << framesCaptured_
-			  << ": dmabuf fd " << dmabuf
-			  << " -> index " << index
-			  << " (" << (remapped ? 'R' : '-') << ")"
-			  << std::endl;
-		if (remapped)
-			bufferRemappings_.push_back(framesCaptured_);
-		bufferMappings_[index] = dmabuf;
-		framesCaptured_++;
-		sink_.requestComplete(request->cookie(), buffer);
-		if (framesCaptured_ == 60)
-			sink_.stop();
-	}
-	int initCamera()
-	{
-		if (camera_->acquire()) {
-			std::cout << "Failed to acquire the camera" << std::endl;
-			return TestFail;
-		}
-		/*
-		 * Configure the Stream to work with externally allocated
-		 * buffers by setting the memoryType to ExternalMemory.
-		 */
-		std::unique_ptr<CameraConfiguration> config;
-		config = camera_->generateConfiguration({ StreamRole::VideoRecording });
-		if (!config || config->size() != 1) {
-			std::cout << "Failed to generate configuration" << std::endl;
-			return TestFail;
-		}
-		const V4L2DeviceFormat &format = sink_.format();
-		StreamConfiguration &cfg = config->at(0);
-		cfg.size = format.size;
-		cfg.pixelFormat = format.fourcc;
-		cfg.bufferCount = CAMERA_BUFFER_COUNT;
-		cfg.memoryType = ExternalMemory;
-		if (camera_->configure(config.get())) {
-			std::cout << "Failed to set configuration" << std::endl;
-			return TestFail;
-		}
-		stream_ = cfg.stream();
-		/* Allocate buffers. */
-		if (camera_->allocateBuffers()) {
-			std::cout << "Failed to allocate buffers" << std::endl;
-			return TestFail;
-		}
-		/* Connect the buffer completed signal. */
-		camera_->bufferCompleted.connect(this, &BufferImportTest::bufferComplete);
-		return TestPass;
-	}
-	int init()
-	{
-		int ret = CameraTest::init();
-		if (ret)
-			return ret;
-		ret = sink_.init();
-		if (ret != TestPass) {
-			cleanup();
-			return ret;
-		}
-		ret = initCamera();
-		if (ret != TestPass) {
-			cleanup();
-			return ret;
-		}
-		sink_.requestReady.connect(this, &BufferImportTest::queueRequest);
-		return TestPass;
-	}
-	int run()
-	{
-		int ret;
-		framesCaptured_ = 0;
-		if (camera_->start()) {
-			std::cout << "Failed to start camera" << std::endl;
-			return TestFail;
-		}
-		ret = sink_.start();
-		if (ret < 0) {
-			std::cout << "Failed to start sink" << std::endl;
-			return TestFail;
-		}
-		EventDispatcher *dispatcher = cm_->eventDispatcher();
-		Timer timer;
-		timer.start(5000);
-		while (timer.isRunning() && !sink_.done())
-			dispatcher->processEvents();
-		std::cout << framesCaptured_ << " frames captured, "
-			  << bufferRemappings_.size() << " buffers remapped"
-			  << std::endl;
-		if (framesCaptured_ < 60) {
-			std::cout << "Too few frames captured" << std::endl;
-			return TestFail;
-		}
-		if (bufferRemappings_.empty()) {
-			std::cout << "No buffer remappings" << std::endl;
-			return TestFail;
-		}
-		if (bufferRemappings_[0] < 40) {
-			std::cout << "Early buffer remapping" << std::endl;
-			return TestFail;
-		}
-		return TestPass;
-	}
-	void cleanup()
-	{
-		sink_.cleanup();
-		camera_->stop();
-		camera_->freeBuffers();
-		CameraTest::cleanup();
-	}
-	Stream *stream_;
-	std::map<unsigned int, int> bufferMappings_;
-	std::vector<unsigned int> bufferRemappings_;
-	unsigned int framesCaptured_;
-	FrameSink sink_;
diff --git a/test/camera/meson.build b/test/camera/meson.build
index d6fd66b8f89e21b4..35e97ce5de1a72ca 100644
--- a/test/camera/meson.build
+++ b/test/camera/meson.build
@@ -3,7 +3,6 @@ 
 camera_tests = [
     [ 'configuration_default',  'configuration_default.cpp' ],
     [ 'configuration_set',      'configuration_set.cpp' ],
-    [ 'buffer_import',          'buffer_import.cpp' ],
     [ 'statemachine',           'statemachine.cpp' ],
     [ 'capture',                'capture.cpp' ],